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After the whole pizza box was finished, Eliza eating more slices then me, we decided to watch a movie of my choice

Her apology for only letting me eat three pizzas- her words not mine

She loves food and with that new information everytime she got mad at me over silly things that her sensitive heart couldn't handle I would simply bribe her with food

For the movie- I obviously picked a scary movie. How else would I get her closer to me?

When I went to conjuring two she shouted at me to not watch it. She said she hated scary movies

I simply laughed and turned it on, reminding her that she did say I could choose

I cut off every light in my house, took the blankets and fluffy pillows from my bed, grabbed the ice cream from the freezer and the pop corn from the beeping microwave then went to the couch

The movie barely started and she was already looking terrified

Twenty minutes into the movie she was yelling at the main character while also scooting closer to me when it got eerily quiet in the movie

I couldn't contain my chuckles each time she jumped for no reason or yelled at the screen

An hour passed when the movie started getting to the good bits. The nuns coming out and shit

She was practically on my lap with her head buried in the crook of my neck

I was really enjoying this

The nun screeched loudly and Eliza squealed, her body shaking as she dug her nails in my arm

"Ow! Ow! Oh my god Elizabeth cut your nails!" I exclaimed and paused the movie

From the light showing on the screen I took a look at my arm. Blood was seeping from the opened wound

She scoffed, "I told you I hated scary movies! It was your fault"

I huffed and quickly rolled up the short sleeve over my shoulder as I gently moved her from my lap. I cut on the living room light

"See look what you did. You made me make you bleed a lot" she threw her arms up

"Can you help me instead of accusing me"

"I shouldn't help at all. Where is the band aids?"

"In the bathroom" I said, pointing down the hall

Eliza bent her body over the couch, looking down the dark hall before turning back to me

"After watching that movie? Oh hell naw your just gonna have to bleed" she shrugged and leaned back on the sofa

I face palmed

Was really watching that movie so she can be close to me that worth it?

"Okay fine" I sighed, "it's some in the kitchen"

She got up and turned on the light. She rummage through the first draw and pulled out the packets of band aids

She grabbed a napkin and wet it under the tap water before coming back over

She cleaned the dried blood then bandaged it up

I unrolled my sleeve and cleared my throat, "now back to the movie but you have to keep your deathly claws away from me"

"Girl what? Back to the movie? Im not watching that shit!" She looked at me like I was crazy

Maybe I was

"Oh come on. It's just another hour left"

"I'm going to bed" she mumbled and looked down the hall again. She looked seriously terrified to walk down the hall

"Okay fine we can go to bed" I cut off the tv then the kitchen light

As soon as that light was off she latched onto my arm

"Lavender hurry up!" She hissed as she walked slowly

I laughed, "Your the one holding us back. Walk faster"

She ran into the room when we got close enough and hopped under the covers

"Aren't you going to change?" I asked as I began to take off my jeans

I put on some tights and a oversized shirt

"Hand me my shorts and tank top from my bag" she yelled from under the cover

I shook my head but did as she said. I handed her the items and she moved around under the cover before throwing me her jeans and shirt

Did- did she just get indirectly changed infront of me?

I gulped and got under the cover

I didn't have time to get comfortable before Eliza with already on me, hanging to me like a koala

"Aww I'll protect you" I teased and almost touched her hair before she grabbed my wrist

"Touch my hair and I'll cut off your fingers"

"Oh- oh wow okay" I slowly pulled my hand back

She was literally just scared

She put her arm on my waist and pulled me closer, snuggling her head into the crook of my neck as her leg squeezed my thighs closer

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were just trying to cuddle" I said into the room.

She hummed, "maybe"

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