26. Easiest Night Of Our Lives

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Daniel was sitting on the hill using his binoculars and reporting everything he sees to Waylon.

- Alright Waylon. Daniel said. They have both entered the building.

But he wasn't given an answer, it was like Waylon didn't hear him through the earpiece he had given him.

- Um, Waylon, I said the two of them have entered the building. Daniel repeated. Over? He said just in case that was the problem that caused his voice not to be heard by Waylon.

He let out a big sigh, he hated using this technology.

- Damn it! How does this thing even work?

He reached out to his ear, hoping to activate something that could help him.

Daniel then pressed a button on his earpiece, his eyes widened, not with shock, but with frustration.

Waylon had told him a thousand times how to use this thing and he already forgot that his microphone was muted.

Waylon heard the sigh of frustration from Daniel.

- Daniel? Waylon asked. Everything okay?

- Yes, everything is fine. Daniel says while rubbing his face, humiliated. Miles and Lauren have entered the building.

- Great. Now your job is to see if anything goes wrong outside the facility. You will need to report anything you see to me immediately so I can try and fix it. Waylon said.

- Alright... Yes, I can do that. Daniel says.

Their communication was then cut, leaving Daniel alone once again.

He was still shocked by Miles taking his place so he wouldn't need to fight.

Miles had beaten his demons, for now at least. But what about Daniel? He didn't fight and he hasn't done anything useful since joining this team besides being a spectator.

He looks at his fists and he could swear that they had blood on them for a second.

Sweat started to drip from his forehead, once again he was reminded of his past self before he quickly shut himself off from remembering all of what he has done.

He has to do the same as Miles some day, he will need to fight.

Meanwhile, Miles and Lauren were in their uniforms while walking inside the hallways of the facility.

- Do you think that they won't suspect a woman soldier? Lauren asked.

- Of course not! They will probably think you will kick their ass or something! Miles said while smirking through the mask.

Lauren chuckled as static came through Miles's ear and then shortly after, Waylon spoke up.

- Miles? Do you hear me?

- Yes Waylon! Miles said while grabbing his ear from the volume of the earpiece. Jesus, can you talk silently? This thing almost ripped my ear apart!

Lauren laughed a little again.

- Okay Miles, calm down, Jeez. Waylon said silently. I don't do these kinds of infiltration missions every day you know!

- Okay sorry! Miles said sarcastically. Anyway, where is the target?

- They have both entered the facility and Daniel has lost sight of them. Waylon answered. But let me see if I can hack the cameras.

- Isn't that a little risky? Lauren asked, overhearing their conversation.

- This facility isn't owned by Murkoff, so the chances of me being identified as Waylon Park are pretty low. Waylon answered as clicking was heard in the background.

Before Miles could ask anything more, Waylon cut him off by saying.

- Got it. I'm in.

- That was fast. Miles said.

Waylon gave them directions through the building, making sure that they would meet up with the guards.

On their way there, many guards were a bit sceptical when they saw Lauren. A female soldier was something rare for them to see and it was even rarer since female stuff hardly seen around the employees of Murkoff.

Miles looked around him, not speaking a word as he and Lauren continued down the hallways of the facility.

On the outside, Daniel was looking at the facility, paying that everything goes fine.

He then saw the two targets going outside of the facility, he then said:

- Waylon, I have spotted the targets.

Daniel could hear a gulp coming from Waylon.

- Huh? But how? Waylon said. They are inside the building! I just saw them!

Daniel could see the two talking to other soldiers, he was just as confused as Waylon, but Daniel's eyes widen, finally understanding what is going on.

- There is no way! Waylon says while sweat drips down from his face. These two... They are decoys!

- What?! They expected us to be here?! Daniel asked, understanding that he and Waylon were on the same page.

But Daniel didn't receive an answer, Waylon had switched communications and tried to contact Miles and Lauren.

He quickly noticed that from the silent beep on his ear, he then crouched down on the ground.

- Dear God... Please let them be fine...! Daniel whispered to himself.

Back on the inside of the facility, Miles could hear small beeps inside of his ear that soon turned into a small robotic voice.

- Error. Error. The voice said.

- What is happening? Miles wondered. Waylon, are you trying to tell me something?

- What is it? Lauren asks.

- The earpieces must have lost connection inside of here. Waylon is trying to tell me something. Miles answers.

- Well, the target is just inside of this door, what do you say we get this over and done with? Lauren said while silently tapping the door.

- You are right, let's finish this. Miles said while reaching out for the door handle.

Miles slowly opened the door, the room was dark, something was wrong.

Before he could react, the lights in the room opened and revealed 5 guards standing with their guns aiming at them. Among them were the two targets.

- Hands in the air! They said.

Miles and Lauren quickly raised their hands to the air, surrendering. Lauren looked at Miles, in some way, asking him about their next move.

He looked at the soldiers approaching them and before he knew it, one of them was going to attack Lauren and him, obviously wanting to knock them out cold.

Now was the time he waited for, using the walrider in combat, but can he do it?

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