7. Late Night Shenanigans

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You look up to see Eddie's eyes peering over the edge of the bed. He stared wide eyed in shock but you could see that he was trying to hold in his laughter.

"Edward Munson!!!. You ass!!!, that hurt!" You shout.

You sat up slowly from the floor, rubbing your elbows. Eddie's eyes followed you the whole time. He wanted to make sure you weren't hurt.

"I didn't think you'd fly off the bed, sorry sweetheart. But I gotta admit it was hilarious to see you fall flat on your ass babe" he jokes and you roll your eyes at him.

You couldn't help but laugh at his words though as you finally got up from the floor.

You sat at the edge of the bed and Eddie stared at you.

Admiring you from a far.

Eddie reaches a hand out towards you and you look at him.

"Come lay with me sweetheart, I promise I won't tickle you and make you fall on your ass again"

You sigh as you take his hand.

He guides you to lay next to him. You rest your head on his chest and his arms loop around your waist. You lay on one arm while the other is draped over Eddie's stomach.

"Are you feeling tired at all?" He questions.

You take a moment before you answer realizing that you were in fact still wide awake.

You sigh frustratedly.

"No! I'm still wide awake" you whine.

"I think I know a way to get you tired" Eddie smirks as you look up at him.
He leans on an elbow and pulls you against his side with the other, your face now inches away from his.

With the look he was giving you, you couldn't help but feel nervous and your only way to deal with that was to laugh nervously. Your face was turning red and you playfully shove Eddie's face away.

As you continued to laugh Eddie looked at you confused and slightly hurt by your actions.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks.

You had stopped laughing to allow yourself to explain what had triggered your recent actions. "I didn't mean to laugh, but that was really hot. It made me nervous and you know I laugh when I'm nervous. You're making me nervous, I'm sorry" you ramble on and it only makes Eddie smile at you for that.

Eddie sits up on the bed and he gently pulls you onto his lap.

"Never apologize for being you, that's what I love about you" he says lovingly. He kisses your forehead then looks back at your still red face.

"Stop you're too kind, and I love you too" you reply.

You wrap your arms around Eddie's neck, he leans into your touch.

"Back to what you said before I pushed you away. That Mr. Munson was hot. I'd hate to kill the mood though. As lovely as it sounds I'm not quite in the mood. I'm sorry."

"It's not a problem, I'd never force you to do anything. You know that. Right?"

"Of course"

You both stay in each other's arms, you were hugging Eddie. Your head against his chest as he played with your hair.

Finally you felt what you had wanted all night. A yawn finally overtaking you.

Once Eddie heard it he pulled your face up to look at him.

"Was that a yawn that I just heard?."

"Yes, yes it was. Finally!!!"

You were so relieved that you were finally feeling tired after struggling to sleep for most of the night.

You rolled off of Eddie's lap and pulled him down with you. He chuckled as you ruffled his hair playfully. His hair hangs around his face as he looks at you. Pushing himself up on his elbows. You play with his necklace as it dangles from his neck.

"Someone's happy to sleep" he smiles.

"Of course I am, now lay with me" you smile back at him.

"I'm already laying on top of you babe" he answers sarcastically.

"I know, but I wanna hold you. I know it's really warm because of the stupid ac being broken...but I.." you didn't get to finish your little rant as Eddie completely let himself lay fully on top of you, his face buried into your neck.

You run your hands up Eddie's back, rubbing circles into his shoulders. He sighs in content at the contact. You finally bring your hands to his hair. Slowly running your fingers through his brown locks. The action stated to make you tired as you let out another yawn.

You lean your head against Eddie's as your eyes start to close slowly.

"Goodnight y/n" you hear Eddie whisper against your neck.

"Goodnight Eddie"

Finally back with another imagine!!!! I loved writing this one!! I feel like with each imagine I do it adds to what I want to write about Eddie and I love it. He's such a fantastic character. As aways thanks for all the reads!! I appreciate it so much. - Allyssa ✌️

Eddie Munson ~ Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن