"Are you speaking about people talking bad about your dad?" He asks, she nods in response and looks down.

"I really wish I didn't have memories of them. They would make fun of me, hit me, knock me down. It truly hurts. Even the adults would join in..."

"Even painful memories ties the bind. Mayumi, you are stronger than that. I won't let you do something like that to yourself." He stands up and walks over to her and crouches down in front of her. "Remember what I've always said? You were born to raise hell Mayumi, you are strong, smart. Everyone will beat their self up when they finally see that you are one of the most valuable people this village has to offer, or even other villages. I have no doubt in my mind that you can do anything you want to do. Memories, also help shape who you are. If you tend to a flower it will bloom, no matter how many weeds grow around it." He says smiling at her. "Now go, I'm sure Naruto would love for you to go over, you haven't been there in a while."

She spent most of her childhood with her grandfather. She loved being with him because he made her feel special, welcomed, and loved. Like she was the greatest thing on the earth. She rarely got attention at home. When she was home, her dad never stayed around her for long. Her mom tried so hard to be there for her daughter, but she was so busy with her duties, she couldn't stay and be with Mayumi. There were so many things her mom wanted to tell her, but never got the chance to before she left.


I get dressed and ready for the day thinking about the dreams of memories I had last night. It's been a long time since I've had a dream.

Kakashi and I  walk towards a different training ground today. "Mayumi, this is team 3." Kakashi as we walk up to a team slightly older than me. I look at them and see a girl with her hair in two buns, a lavender eyed boy with long brown hair and a guy with a green jump suit with really bushy eye brows and standing next to him is a man wearing the same green jump suit. I sweat drop and look up at Kakashi. These people look like an asparagus.

"Uh, Kakashi, why are we here?" I ask with an eye brow raised.

"Well I thought that you could get a feel of working with others." He replies shoving his hands in his pockets as he looks up to the sky. "I'll be back in an hour." He states as he jumps off.

I look back at the strange team and sweat drops again.

"Well Mayumi! I am Gai- Sensei! It's an honor for you to join us today! You seem like you have the power of youth!" Gai-Sensei says giving me a thumbs up.

"My lady! Your beauty is radiating everywhere! Will you be my girl friend?!" The kid in the green jump suit says while grabbing my hands. He didn't seriously touch me did he? That's a danger zone.

"Uhhh..." I can only manage say as my eye twitches.

"Ow ow ow! What's that for?!" He shouts as the boy with lavender eyes drags him by his ear.

"Im sorry about that." The girl with the buns says walking up to me. "Im Tenten." She says smiling. "The mini version of our Sensei, his name is Lee."

"Oh, uh, it's fine?"

"Is that a question?" The long haired boy asks walking back to us.

"Even if it was it wasn't directed to you." I  retort eyeing him down. "You must be a Huyuga."

"Smart. Maybe you will prove something. Other than a pretty face." He states walking away sending him a glare.

I stay with Gai's team for hours waiting for Kakashi to finally come back. Training with them, I learned that they use weights when they train go I thought why not, and put them on. I'm  not particatlly good at close range fight combat as for Gai's team is. So I struggled at first with the weights weighing me down. She eventually got the hang of it blocking each punch and kick from Neji. Of course I'm pretty sure he was going easy on me. Taijutsu is my number one weakness.

Tenten and I fight with our weapons. "You know, you're pretty good with that sword." Tenten comments walking up to me.

"Thank you, I forsure I thought I wasn't going to be able to block those kunai's" I laughed pulling out an apple and starts to eat.

"So I have to ask Mayumi." Tenten starts out. "Your eye, why is it weird looking? It's blue on one side, and then red on the other with a fleck of black."

"Oh, that's just because I can't deactivate my kekkei genkai. I'm trying though." I laugh nervously.

Kakashi finally joins them and watches me fight Lee, knocking me onto my butt.

"I am so sorry!" Lee says holding out his hand for me to take it, I decline it and get up. "I thought you saw my leg coming and was going to block it."

"It's fine. You're a lot faster than me." I  say giving him a smile knowing that I was just zoning out for a little bit.

"Mayumi, come on, I need you for a while before tomorrow." Kakashi says walking up to them.

"Alright! I hope to be able to train with you again!" Lee says giving me a thumbs up smiling.


Well, that's the second chapter! I promise the chapters get much better and not as cringy! Let me know what you think!

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