I signed it earlier this morning, I didn't wanna leave room for overthinking and never move out of my mothers house.

It was a now or never type thing.

"Once you leave it's no moving back in, you do understand that right?" She asked with one hand on her curvy hip.

"Yes ma, i understand. I'll talk to you later." I said walking into my closet.

"I do not feel like hearing giselles mouth" i rolled my eyes looking over at the time.

I still had to go pick up lo and jhené so I knew I'd be running a little behind.

Twenty minutes later I was walking into the front office, when a voice called out to me stopping me in my tracks

"Nikaaa" her voice called out, instantly bringing a smile to my face.

"Hey solooo" i said opening my arms for her to walk into.

"Hey nini, you on the way to my baldheaded ass sisters class huh?"

"Don't play with my baby sol" I said walking off.

"I gotta talk to you during lunch, just stop by my office." She called out and I nodded my head in response.

I walked into the classroom and my chest immediately warmed at the sight of beyoncé typing at her desk.

"Hey ms.knowles" i greeted her, being mindful of the class full of kids.

"Maraj.." she started and looked down at her watch.

"Seven minutes late" she pointed out, her hazel eyes burning into my own two eyes.

Deciding against replying to her with a smart comeback, something everyone knew I was good for.

"You look good today nika" beys smooth voice rang out.

"Giselle i have on leggings and a crop top are you trynna be funny?"

"And?" She replied rolling her eyes and returning back to her computer screen.

The rest of the class period and planning period consisted of us going back and forth and getting little to no work done.

By the time 11:30 rolled around I was well over the whole day. I was one foot short of being out the door before I remembered I was supposed to be meeting with solo for lunch.

"You wanted to talk?" I asked as I closed the door to her office behind me.

"Yes, have a seat.. off my desk" she deadpanned at the fact i was sitting on her desk.

"Anyways.." I trailed off. We both knew I wouldn't be getting off. There was no use in trying.

"Have you noticed juju acting weird or is it just me?" She asked leaning back in her office chair.

"I haven't, what's been going on?"

"I think she's hiding something, call it twin intuition"

"But y'all aren't.."

"We mine as well be, she stole my whole face. But that's besides the point. She's hiding something. Will you talk to her for me? At least make sure she's okay"

"Yeah I'll talk to her tonight, you'll help me move in this weekend?" I asked gathering my bag.

"Thank you so much and of course boo. Bye love you" she said, kissing my cheek on the way out the door.

"I love you too" I called out, walking out the front doors.

Beyoncé G. Knowles
Times Square, Manhattan, New York

"Hey baby" i opened the door wider for nicki to walk in.

"Hey babe, I know you haven't eaten... any real food at least" she said looking at the empty bag of hot fries on the coffee table.

"Hush" I chuckled, washing my hands and taking my seat by her.

"So.." she started, pausing to chew the forkful of salad she put into her mouth.

"Solange is worried about you" she finally said after taking ten minutes to chew the salad in her mouth.

"Why?" I asked, tugging at my ear.

"You're either lying or nervous you only do that when you are. Im leaning more towards the latter. What's going on?" She asked, before I could answer the doorbell rang throughout the house.

Immediately causing my anxiety to skyrocket.

She stood up first, making her way towards the door. I wasn't too far behind.

Opening the door, all that was on the floor was a beige envelope with a letter M stamped on it.

"Is this?" She asked holding up the mail.

"Yeah, there's plenty more where that came from" i replied, reaching over into the storage bin half full of cards and envelopes with the same letter m somewhere stamped on it.

"Is he-" she started again as she shuffled through the papers.

"Crazy? Definitely."


this book and most likely the other ones will be slow updates cause im unmotivated and im trying not to unpublish so bare with me ;)

a teachers devotion Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang