Chapter 3: Gym Class Shenanigans

Start from the beginning

After which, we were separated and told to go change.

The changing room was one hell of an atmosphere...


Nendou was going absolutely crazy.


Kaido was obviously embarrassed and incapable of maintaining his cool front.



What the hell was that?

"Haha! Nendou, I challenge you to a towel battle!" Kazama had gone and whipped Nendou on the his naked back with a towel.

I could hear Hikigaya whisper near me. "Even I felt that..."

Same man...

"AUGHHHHH! FINE YOU'RE ON!" Before we all knew it, Nendou and Kazama were duelling it out in the middle of the boys changing room with towels, all but in their boxers. It felt like I was watching the Metal Gear Rising Raiden Vs Sam fight all over again.

"I guess those two are pretty crazy together." A voice behind me said. Upon turning around I saw it was Naoe. "You can definitely say that again." I responded.

Among all the chaos, I realised I hadn't even begun changing yet. So I got to it, first taking my shirt off.

It felt like a pair of eyes were staring at me. Maybe more than one even.

"You have a really well structured body Ayanokouji. I'm very surprised." Ichigo who had been silent the entire time said to me. "Yeah. You must work out a lot." Naoe also chimed in.

"Ah- thanks. I think it's all mostly genetics though. I work out from time to time only." Looking at all the other guys in here, I guess I did indeed have the most lean muscle build here. Someone like Nendou was obviously giant and more muscular though.

"I don't think genetics take you this far from only working out from time-to-time dude..." Naoe was definitely suspicious about it, but didn't pursue it further.

I was acquaintances with him, not exactly close but we have spoke before. He actually asked me for my phone number and told me to ring him if I ever needs help with something.

From what I know he's not exactly a super popular or especially nice guy, so I was curious on why he asked me for it at first but said he was just getting everyone's in our class.

Maybe he's trying to just build a fair and respectable relationship with everyone in the class, that's not a bad move to be honest.

His best friend Kazama on the other hand has become rather popular, boys and girls alike.

Finally, all the boys, including Nendou and Kazama were finished changing. We all left and were supposed to meet back up in the PE field behind the school, we could see all the girls were already there.

"What the hell were you brats doing? You've made us all wait for 10 minutes!" The PE teacher complained, I'm sure Nendou and Kazama had a fun time explaining...

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