29. Beauty

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VICTORIA CASELLA SMILED as she looked at the assassins sitting in front of her. She had her Black Pawn that was going to bring down the Altera Company. Her goal was nearly in her clutches. And she had her contingency plan ready. Now all she had to do was to set the final pin rolling. She surveyed the assassins. Even Nicholas Lavel had taken to his assassin alter-ego.

Nicholas Lavel was known as Andras, the marquis of hell. Andrew Porter was known as Gabriel, the angel of death. Avaria is known as Agrona, a word for slaughter and carnage. Mademoiselle Faith was known as Pandora, the woman that introduced evil into Greek mythology. And finally, Victoria Casella was known as Loralai, a siren that lured men to the bottom of the ocean.

"Has Azalea Selene agreed to be the Black pawn?" Andras asked, his voice slightly muffled from behind his mask. His eyes were not covered from the mask. It seemed that assassins preferred half-masks.

"Yes, I'm happy to say that Ms. Selene understands the situation just about as good as us." Victoria said as she sipped tea, "Ms. Selene will require additional training for being able to stand against the Altera executives."

"Isn't she supposed to be powerful?" Pandora asked, shifting her weight from one leg to the other, "If she's one of the spirits her power would be invincible."

"Raw power won't be as powerful against people that know-how and when to attack you." Agrona said in a monotonous voice, "Azalea would be dead the second she enters the building if she's going to rely only on her instincts and raw power. It would be ridiculous to say that with powers she just received today, she'll bring down some of the best-trained assassins."

Pandora looked away from Agrona, as she looked down at her feet. Victoria smiled as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She cleared her throat, "Ms. Selene will benefit from training with you Agrona."

Agrona opened her mouth to protest but Gabriel stepped in, "I think that Az- I mean Ms. Selene will benefit from training with Agrona, but I must ask Ms. Casella. What stops Agrona from— being less than hospitable?"

"Nothing does." Victoria answered simply, "That's the best part Gabriel, the possibility of Ms. Selene having a rough time in training makes sure that she will be nothing but ruthless in her fight against the company."

Gabriel looked at Victoria for a long second, before nodding, "Yes, yes that seems the best action plan."

Victoria nodded at his statement as she drank more of her tea, the hot liquid warming her throat. Agrona spoke up next, "Ms. Selene's power, is it exactly what we need?"

Victoria cleared her throat, tilting her head slightly. Considering the answer, she nodded slowly, "Ms. Selene has proved that she would be the best fit for this role. Even though her powers were unlocked today she has potential for training with you, Agrona."

The assassins in front of her nodded at her answer. Victoria wasn't done, "It would be good to have our contingency plan ready, because as Ms. Selene has showcased that she has strong morals and ideas."

"Ms. Selene might change her views on our plan if her morals interfere. Not to mention if Ms. Selene is able to get her hands on our next stage plans," Agrona started, "Like she did this time around, we might not be able to stand against... Lucifer."

Victoria's head snapped towards Agrona when she heard the name come out of her mouth. It was a familiar name— not a good familiarity, "What. Did. You. Say?"

The Black Pawn • The first book of the Black Academy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now