27. Negotiation

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VICTORIA CASELLA AND Azalea Selene stood in the room, Azalea was itching for Victoria to continue and tell her about the White Queen. But then she realized it. Who had access to every room, every hallway, and all weapons in the Black Academy? Who could control every single assassin, every single person that could work to her benefit? Who wore a crown? The answer was Victoria Casella.

"You're the white queen."

"I shouldn't be surprised by now that you're quick Ms. Selene." Victoria said, "Yes, I am the White Queen. The one you have read about in that hidden room. The one you've been trying to find for the past month."

Victoria started walking once more, Azalea's feet ached as she turned in a circle, to make sure that she didn't lose sight of the woman she had identified as the White Queen. Azalea couldn't trust her completely, her encounter with Omega had set her on edge. She had decided the only people she trusted were Anna and Ben. Both of them had many opportunities to kill her and yet they hadn't taken them. Victoria was clearly not someone she trusted, so she tried to find the cracks in the woman's resolve, in her way of speaking. In her words.

"I believe that you were privy to a conversation between me and Mr. Lavel. Is that right?" Victoria asked. Azalea nodded as her eyes followed her figure, Victoria announced, "I will tell this to you, Ms. Selene, very simply. The plan that you've been investigating is to eliminate the Altera Company."

"The Altera Company is the recruiter of all Black Assassins. They give our assassins targets. But it has come to my notice that the company exercises great control over us." Victoria said, "And it is less than desirable, hence eliminating all members of the Altera Company should give our assassins considerable freedom over their targets and other aspects."

"How much control does the company have over us?" Azalea voiced. Victoria looked at her, the dagger was back in her hand. The woman looked Azalea dead in the eye.

"If an assassin fails twice to kill the target they are assigned, the assassin is... out of commission," Victoria answered. Azalea scoffed, "They're killed aren't they?"

Victoria nodded slowly, "The assassins may be eliminated if any of the executives from the company decide to do so."

"And because of this, you want to be free of them. And you've tried to negotiate with them?" Azalea asked. Victoria looked up at her and glared.

"It's a business negotiation Ms. Selene not negotiating a new bedtime." Victoria said sharply, "They killed five of the assassins I brought with me.. some of the best. There is no way they would listen to words, so knives and bullets might do better."

Azalea would be lying if she said that she was taken aback by Victoria's reaction to her statement. Victoria composed herself as she reverted to her smile, Azalea shivered once more. That smile, every single time she smiled like that Azalea couldn't bear it. The smile always held some indistinguishable emotion behind it.

"You are the candidate that will be in charge of freeing the Black Academy from the clutches of the Altera Company." Victoria continued, sighing as her feet started moving, "You are the Black Pawn, Ms. Selene. Your role will change as required."

"Do you accept Ms. Selene?"

Azalea Selene looked at Victoria Casella with a dumbfounded expression. She gulped as her hands found each other, her thin fingers intertwining as she thought about it. Victoria wouldn't let her turn down the offer— and even if Azalea did turn it down, she was sure that Victoria would put her out of commission the same way the other assassins had been.

The Black Pawn • The first book of the Black Academy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now