12. Dead

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WHEN ELIZABETH AND Azalea came back to the class, Avaria had been fuming and Anna had been worried. They did not give an explanation. Avaria would not listen to them. The fights continued, Avaria remained freezing cold. Elizabeth took a seat with Anna and Azalea flanking her. Avaria was not frowning, she had a small smile on her face.

Azalea was suspicious of what Avaria might have been thinking. Why? You may ask, well because one thing that everybody knew about the cruel instructor standing in the middle of the room, was that she never smiled.

Avaria clapped her hands together, "The next training pair is Ms. Selene and Ms. Vanor."

She was paired with Anna.

She supposed that it was just a matter of time before this happened. It was better that she was paired with Anna and not Elizabeth since in case she had to kill the girl there was a 100% chance that she would come back.

But, still, it wasn't the preferred situation. She took a shaky breath as she rubbed her hands on her clothed legs. She had been doing that a lot that day. She looked towards her friends. Anna smiled weakly at her, as Elizabeth's arm encircled the both of them.

"It's fine," Anna said reassuringly. Azalea smiled weakly and nodded, her hands finding each other and nervously twining themselves. She felt as if she couldn't breathe, "Just relax Azzy."

Elizabeth's hand fell over Azalea's shoulder as she reassured her, even Elizabeth was having her doubts but she still said, "Yeah, she'll be back before you know it."

Azalea nodded as she looked at the daunting mat, the black had never looked more threatening. Usually, the sight of it made her feel confident but today it made her sick to the stomach. She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

"I do not have all day." Ms. Avaria announced. Azalea's green-tinted eyes opened as she got up from her seat. Trying to show some confidence in her stance. Even though inside she was a bundle of dread and nerves.

"It's going to be fine." You can't be sure, she nodded at her friends before turning away from them. Anna was still smiling at her. Elizabeth looked to be cheering the both of them on, "I can do this." You can't.

Azalea walked alongside Anna to the mat, when they reached the small intersection that led to the tables of weapons a hand latched onto hers. Azalea looked startled.

Anna bought her close, as though into a hug, but her voice hurriedly whispered into Azalea's ear, "Fight against me, win against me and kill me. If you don't, she'll kill you."

Anna pulled away from the girl before Azalea could ask anything more. Azalea opened her mouth and closed it, looking briefly like a fish. She just nodded cluelessly as she walked to the table of weapons. Pulling out a katana and a dagger. Watching as Anna did too, just replacing the katana with yet another dagger. She's playing to lose, Azalea thought to herself, Avaria'll kill me if I don't kill her.

"Begin," Avaria said before Azalea could think any more. Anna stepped onto the mat and struck first. Azalea blocked. Finding a small bruise on her forearm because of the handle of Anna's dagger.

Anna struck once more and Azalea blocked as she battled internally. Azalea continued to block every hit, never daring to hit her friend. This is going to be tiring.

The fight had gone on a long time and Avaria had gotten more and more frustrated. Azalea was bruised and bleeding, Anna wasn't any better. During the fight, Anna had gotten so irritated that Azalea wasn't hitting her that she had pulled her close, and harshly whispered, "Hit me or Avaria does."

The Black Pawn • The first book of the Black Academy SeriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt