26. Reaper

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THE WOMAN WHO stood inside the room made Azalea shiver, Azalea Selene didn't dare take a step forward. She continued standing there, at the threshold of the room. Trying to catch her breath. Victoria Casella stood there in a white dress that flowed. But it wasn't one of her leisurely clothes, it looked like battle clothes. A white chained corset around her waist made her thin figure stand out more.

There were weapons concealed in her clothes. Knives tied to her thighs. It was very easy to notice these things if you had been trained for the same. A sword hung from her waist. All her weapons were white, with silver edges. A gun was hidden on her right side. Her flowing sleeves were sure to have daggers hidden inside them.

A crown adorned the woman's head, diamonds that gleamed under the light that came from the tiles. The room itself was a replica of the room Azalea had been put into for her fight against Eli— Omega. The crown was silver with plates of gold shining here and there. Chains fell from the crown and cascaded beautifully over Victoria's hair. Azalea would have continued gawking at the woman who seemed so very dangerous yet elegant if only the woman herself hadn't decided on speaking up.

"Ms. Azalea Selene, I knew that you had the guts to pass the Selection." Victoria spoke, her voice clear and echoing in the room, "I am very proud to see that you've also unlocked your powers, I must say the black hair suits you much better than brown."

This intrigued Azalea, "What do you mean I've unlocked my powers?" She asked as she stepped inside the room. She ignored the comment about her hair. The wall that had swiveled and opened, closed behind her. But Azalea didn't pay attention to it. Instead, she was more focused on the woman that was hiding a smile in front of her.

Victoria turned around with a faint smile gracing her lips, "I think it's very clear what I mean Ms. Selene."

"No, I really don't think it is." Azalea said with a frown and a shrug. Her skin crawled whenever Victoria had that smile on her face. To anyone else, it would have looked welcoming, and only after a while would it have looked ominous. But, to Azalea it looked haunting.

"Well, I had hoped that you would have understood by now. But anyhow, as you know the students of the Black Academy are blessed with powers that the rest of the world can't begin to comprehend." Victoria explained, "You also have powers as such, only if you have noticed this before. You often have a feeling when someone dies. You can hear the screams of people that you don't know. You can... see deaths that you never knew happened."

Azalea's green eyes widened as she remembered the nightmare that she had, about Ms. Avaria and another woman. She remembered the screams she had heard when she had sat in the dark with Ben. She remembered seeing Elizabeth's soul float out of her body. Azalea murmured, "What am I?"

"Well, Ms. Selene, you are death in mortal form. You are the Grim Reaper." Victoria Casella announced. Azalea felt a weight on her chest, how could she be dead?

"It's very clear that you didn't know this," Victoria said as she took a step forward, Azalea was looking down at the lighted tiles. Victoria put a hand on Azalea's cheek, "Before you can pass the Selection completely Ms. Selene you must be informed about the Grim Reaper, and— a few other things."

The Black Pawn • The first book of the Black Academy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now