24. Scales

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AZALEA'S HAND GRABBED the grey paw on her chest, her fingers dug into the skin. Omega glanced down at Azalea. Not showing an instance of pain but a look of surprise with hint of something else. Azalea's finger dug deeper and drew blood, staining the white-grey coat near Omega's paw.

Now Omega showed pain on her face, just a minuscule amount. Azalea didn't respond, instead, her hair had covered her green eyes that had darkened with anger.

Azalea muttered, low and guttural, "No"

Omega's silver eyes widened with surprise before she recovered, finally letting a smile blossom over her furry mangled face.

The bloodstains and the difference in the white and red made her face seem even more ominous. Azalea's hands felt electrified, power thrumming in her veins. She could feel it all. She finally looked up, showing her eyes.

Omega's smile widened, her white teeth pulled her pink lips apart to reveal the gleam. Azalea's eyes weren't green, they were gold, tinted with black.

Omega was repelled off Azalea, the Selene girl floating from the ground as Omega's back met with the wall. Electricity crackled from the walls, the floor, touching Azalea, but never harming her.

She looked at Omega, saying, "You wanted to have a fun fight right? Well, here I am."

Azalea fell to the ground, a resonating thump sounded as her feet touched the lighted tiles. Her sneakers and her black academy clothes were covered in red. But Azalea wasn't tired at all. Instead, she felt rejuvenated.

The electricity was black while the edges glowed gold. Omega was on her feet another ominous smile and she was off. In another form, swooping down towards Azalea.

Black mist with gold adornments reached towards the flying hawk. It must have seen that its attacks were nothing against Azalea, so it dropped and when it touched the ground it wasn't a hawk anymore, it was a monster from Elizabeth's imagination. Red eyes that crackled with power and claws that could rip Azalea into two.

But Azalea grinned as the electricity gathered at her hand.

The lightning flew out towards Omega in the form of a whip. A cracking sound and dust all around them. Omega stood swaying opposite Azalea.

"Are you ready to give up yet Omega?" Azalea asked as she floated to the ground, "So that I can kill you?"

Omega chuckled as the dust settled. Elizabeth stood in front of Azalea, not Omega. Not any other animal. Just her, Azalea frowned. Her eyes glowed brighter as she tried to sense anything running at her. Omega laughed just as cruelly, "You tire me, Azalea Selene."

And then Elizabeth turned into Anna. Azalea frowned as Omega laughed, "Are you brave enough to kill Anna Vanor? The only true friend you've had Azalea?"

The taunt pushed her. Azalea snarled as her hand raised to her face. The black mist crackling, the gold becoming more apparent in her green eyes. She huffed and said, "If you were the real Anna, you'd know— I don't kill friends. But, you?"

Azalea's hand waved over her face, a mask forming. Covering her whole face. It was a wooden mask, but it was created by Azalea. Carvings that made a devil face on the wooden surface. There were holes for her eyes, but her mouth was covered. She looked downright terrifying, a gold-black aura forming around her, "You're an exception Omega."

Her aura had crackled and traveled around her. And then suddenly she was invisible. Her breath was still coming out in puffs, she still had some control over her mind. The lock that had clicked open had opened the box, not completely but only just. When the box broke completely she was going to be invincible. Omega chuckled, she transformed her hands into claws. Walking out into the open.

"You can hide, but you can't run Selene." Omega taunted again, the claws clicked on the lit tiles, "Come out come out, where ever you are."

It was silent, then a crackling sound, and Azalea's power was hurtling towards Omega. She dodged it. Another. And another. Every single hit Omega dodged. Omega chuckled, "Don't waste the power Azalea."

"Just let me finish you." Omega sighed, her transformed red hair swinging as she turned in a circle, "You've not lost control yet until you do— I will be the one with the upper hand."

"The difference between you and me, Azalea." Omega said, "Is that I love having no control. Nothing holding me back. You, you value that control."

"You have that irritating hero complex. The whole no-killing thing. But, I know the truth. You don't kill because you know that you love it." Omega announced, "So you create a rule that stops you."

"And— and I don't know why but it just ticks me off." Omega growled as she rounded with her claws swinging, "But, anyways— Azalea Selene, you may be something powerful. But you aren't going to win today."

"I may have my rule— but it doesn't mean I'm going to let you beat me," Azalea said as she appeared in front of Elizabeth in the form of Anna. Azalea's hand cushioning her head. And her other hand held a trident in her hand, that was sitting on Elizabeth's abdomen. Blood spurted from Elizabeth's mouth. The lock shattered open and the writhing darkness within was finally free.

Azalea had tipped the scales, she had killed Elizabeth Maine.

The Black Pawn • The first book of the Black Academy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now