Chapter Thirty-Nine: Always

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(A/N: The pic is Lilja's wedding dress and that is how she does her hair)


It's been almost two weeks since we announced our engagement and we are busy getting things ready for the wedding in two days time. We had decided to have it while Bilbo was still here, he is a very good friend and we wanted him to be here for it. I walk down the hall towards Thorin's study, we haven't really been together during the day lately. I enter the study, quite shaken.

"Lilja, what's wrong?" He asks after seeing my face. I burst into tears

"Nightmares Thorin, nightmares that's all I ever have" I sob, he pulls me close.

"It's alright, everything's alright my love" He says kissing my hair and holding me closer.

"I'm sorry I bothered you, you must be busy" I say

"No, I was just finishing something up then coming to join you, but I am done now. Come let's go to bed"

I snuggle up against Thorin in bed, he kisses my head.

"Sleep, no more nightmares will come to you as long as I'm here" He say

I snuggle closer to him, he smiles down at me and kisses my forehead, slowly drift off to sleep in his arms.

Two Days Later

I put on my dress and usual jewellery, I decided to put my hair up. I look myself over and smile just then there is a knock at the door and Gandalf walks in. He smiles at me, I smile back and sigh.

"You look beautiful, my dear" He says

"Thank you Gandalf"

"Ready to go?" He asks

"As ready as I'll ever be"

I walk down the aisle with Gandalf, Thorin smiles widely at me, I reach him and he takes my hand. After the traditional Dwarvish wedding vows, we say some of our own for the tradition of my people.

"Thorin, I fell in love with you the day you proved I could trust you. You took me from my darkest place and showed me the light and love. I never thought I would be loved after I lost my family but it turns out I was wrong. You showed me that no matter how dark my past was that you would always be there. You are the greatest thing I could have asked for" I say

"Lilja, I loved you the second I met you. You showed me that we had things in common and that I should be happy. I love that you are so kind and loving to others even though you went through a hard life. You proved to me that no matter how hard it gets you can always come back from it and be happy again, I love you and will always love you" Thorin says

"You may kiss the bride" Balin say

Thorin pulls me close and kisses me passionately. The room erupts in cheers and applause. I smile at Thorin, he squeezes my hand.

We enter the dining hall, music starts playing and we all start to dance.

"I love you" Thorin says in my ear

"I love you too" I say

After dancing with Thorin, Gandalf, Bilbo, Balin, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili for a long time, the reception was finally over. We say goodbye to the guests.

"Goodbye for now Gandalf" I say to Gandalf as he leaves with Radagast

"Goodbye, my dear. I will see you when I return for Bilbo" He says, I hug him

"Goodbye Radagast"

"Goodbye dear" He says and they leave.

I turn to Thorin after all the quest leave or go to their rooms, he smiles at me and takes my hand and leads me to our room. Thorin and I enter his room, I sit on the bed, he pulls his shirt off and comes over to me. I smile at him, he smiles back, looking really happy.

"You are very beautiful" He says then kisses me passionately, I pull him closer and continue to kiss him. He then trails kisses from my jaw to my neck, I let out a sigh.

"I love you amralime" He says

"I love you" I reply and he kisses my lips passionately again pushing me gently down on the bed.



amralime- my love

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter!)

For the Love of a Kingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें