Chapter Twenty-Four: If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together

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3rd person pov

Thorin has decided to save Bilbo. He charges with his sword out through the tunnels, and stops as flames light up the walls of the tunnel. He runs out onto the same overhang Bilbo had earlier reached, then stops abruptly when he sees the mountain of treasure all around him. He breathes heavily. Just then, Bilbo runs up to him.

"You're alive!" Thorin says

"Not for much longer!" Bilbo says

"Did you find the Arkenstone?" Thorin asks

"The dragon's coming!" Bilbo tells him

"The Arkenstone!" Thorin says

They are both standing at the entrance to the tunnel, but Thorin is blocking Bilbo's way. They pause and look at each other for several seconds, then Thorin speaks again, more quietly.

"Did you find it?" Thorin asks

They stare at each other for several seconds, panting heavily.

"No. We have to get out." Bilbo tells him

Bilbo tries to enter the tunnel, but Thorin swings his sword across it, blocking the entrance. He presses the blade against Bilbo, and Bilbo stumbles back, the sword still touching him. Bilbo and Thorin face each other, with the tip of Thorin's sword against Bilbo's chest.

"Thorin. Thorin!" Bilbo says

Thorin steps forward, forcing Bilbo to step back. Bilbo's eyes are open in fear, and Thorin's face is steel and blank of emotion. Suddenly, Bilbo looks off to the side, and Thorin hears a sound in that direction. He turns and sees Smaug approaching over the mountain of treasure. Smaug, recognizing Thorin, snarls. Suddenly, the remaining dwarves and Lilja run out of the tunnel and face Smaug, their weapons out. Smaug roars and rushes at them; his chest and neck glow orange.

"You will burn!" Smaug says


Just as Smaug bellows fire at us, the dwarves and Bilbo and I turn and jump off the staircase. We tumble down the pile of treasure and land near the entrance to another tunnel, which we run into.

"Come on, Bilbo!" Dori says

Angrily, Smaug breathes fire in all directions. Thorin, the last one in the door, is pushed in by the force of the flames. He runs into the room at the other end of the tunnel with the back of his coat on fire, and he throws himself on the ground and rolls to extinguish the flames and takes it off. He jumps back up.

"Come on." Thorin says

With Smaug roaring in the background, we run. The dwarves and me, and Bilbo emerge out of a tunnel and approach a stone bridge over a chasm. Thorin raises his hand and quiets the group.

"Shh. Shh." Thorin shushes us

"Quiet." Dori orders

We near the foot of the bridge and Thorin peers around the edge of the tunnel, looking for any sign of Smaug. The others all whisper.

"We've given him the slip." Dori says

"No, he's too cunning for that." Dwalin says

"So where to now?" Bilbo asks

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