Chapter Five

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Savannah seemed like a really good person.

Much like with Charlie, as Ember watched Savy, she knew deep in her gut this was someone she was close with. Savannah tried to hide her emotions and remain professional, but her body language said otherwise. She wanted answers much in the same way the rest of them did, not just in a Detective sense either. While listening, Savannah remained completely open and focused, fingers occasionally straying to her pendant necklace, gently tugging the pendant back and forth. It was a very familiar scene.

Ember wished she had gone to the cops three years ago—well she wished she knew a cop like Savannah three years ago. Clearly she was smart as a whip, asking questions that Ember never thought were relevant.

There was one question that scared her the most, which was about the location she was buried. A part of her always wanted to go back and search the area, to see if there was anything that pointed her to the person who took her. Yet, every time she would start making her way back in that direction she would be left shaking, filled with adrenaline and ready to run the opposite direction.

"Would you be comfortable going to the hospital for an examination? You won't have to pay for anything, I'd just like to have it on record." Savannah, or Savy which did feel right, asked.

Ember leaned back in the chair. "I mean yeah—I don't know the last time I went to one."

"Would you be okay with it? It might help tell us more about the years your missing." There was a word Savy seemed to be avoiding—captivity. She danced around the subject, maybe not to influence the direction of the investigation, or maybe because it was painful to think about.

"Okay. Yeah I can do that."

"Here's my card, Charlie also has my number. If you think of anything call me." She stood gracefully, bag on her shoulder, long fingers holding out a plain white business card.

"Will you go with me?" The words shot out of Ember's mouth without a thought.

Savy starred in shock for a moment but quickly recovered. "Of course, do you want me to pick you up?"

Ember nodded, "Yes, please."

"Okay, I'll let Charlie know what time they can see you." Savy moved to the door, hand hovering on the handle. "I'm really glad your back; you have no idea how much."

Before Ember could respond, she was gone, walking out to her truck. Moments later Charlie appeared back inside, stomping his boots on the rug in the kitchen. "Ember—you okay? Savy leave?"

"Yes," she was so tired one word for both question would have to do.

Bandit shot up on the couch next to her, while Charlie went to stoke the fire. When he was done he turned around, "The uh, guest room is cleaned, do you want to go take a nap? I need to go finish chores in the barn and then I can wake you up when dinner is done."

Eyes heavy, Ember barely nodded and stumbled to her feet. She followed him to the small hallway, and entered the only other room on the left. It was simple, with a queen size bed under two large windows that flooded the room with natural light. There was a fuzzy cream rug with floral accents and dated furniture. "If you need the restroom, it's right here" he gestured to the door that sat at the end of the hall, between the two bedrooms. "

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