Chapter Two

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Ember knew right then, this man knew her and possibly had answers. "Do I know you?", her voice shook.

"I don't—you look just like Ashley Farrow." His eyes were wide, he also seemed to be frozen in his seat.

"Who is Ashley Farrow?" If he really did know her, or the girl that died in that hole, maybe he could give her answers on her identity. Or maybe he's the one who put you there, that tiny voice whispered in her ear. That was fear that whispered in her ear; watching his body she knew otherwise. He was tense, but there was not fear in his face, not the type that meant he was caught. It was the type of fear that replaces hope, the fear that one would never know the truth.

His eyebrows pulled together and he suddenly seemed upset. "Did you just run away? Were we not good enough for you, huh? Six years!" He was seething. "You just let everyone believe you were kidnapped. That's so fucked. You of all people I thought would care how it felt to be left behind.  I spent years searching for you!"

Cherry had paused at a customer down the line, the customer opening staring at them. "Stop." she ground out quickly, "Do you really know who I am?" She said in a harsh whisper, ducking her head. Attention was the last thing she needed.

"What—of course I do! It's me Charlie. What the hell is going on?", he spat.

Ember took a deep breath and shook her head. "I don't know who you are. I don't know who I am. I woke up a three years ago with no memories; I've been searching for answers."

Charlie froze, mouth hanging open. Again his body language said he posed no threat, the tension was of anger yes, but it quickly dissipated once again to that defeated posture he came in with. "You—you really don't remember me? You don't remember who you are?"

Ember shook her head upset and annoyed. I don't know you asshole and probably didn't like you if I did, she angrily thought to herself. However that small, vague memory of a lanky boy calling out a name she did not know was familiar. In his face, she could see the traces of that young boy. The curly hair, the open eyes and maybe a mouth that would curve into the same smile.

"I'm sorry." He stared at her like it would keep her there. As if he would blink and she'd disappear again. Yes, as she studied him more, imagined him without the beard...he was more than familiar. Even the combination of diesel and fire smoke on him felt familiar, somehow comforting. "What happened? Where did you go?"

"Don't you listen?", she bit out. "I woke up in the woods on the border of Louisiana and Texas. I have no memory beyond finding myself there. So if you know me, I need answers and even proof."

Charlie stared at her and she finally noticed his eyes. They were light green, a minty-ocean color that jumped out of his deeply tanned skin and dark hair. Finally he tore his eyes away from her and pulled out his phone, typing furiously. When he held up the phone, he showed her a missing poster that had a familiar face. It was her face, but younger, not aged with her past. Her hair was long and blond, face tilted to the side with a wide smile.

"Can we get out of here?" Ember asked suddenly, feeling like there were too many eyes on her. People in the diner had began to take notice of the exchange, but kept their faces hidden behind phones and newspapers, peaking around them occasionally.

"Yeah, of course." He stamped out his cigarette and threw money down on the counter.

"Just give me one second. I have to grab my stuff."

"Okay, I'm going to start the truck. It's the big dirty, brown one.", he said, seeming reluctant to walk outside.

Cherry immediately walked over, leaning over the counter. "Do you really know him?"

Ember looked over her shoulder, through the window into the parking lot. "I think so."

"He's a local, a mechanic in the town over. He's really nice but please," Cherry grabbed Ember's hand, "be careful." With that Cherry ran to the back and came back with her black duffel bag.

Ember gave her a quick hug, "I promise to come back. Until I do, here's something for you." Ember shoved two hundred dollars into Cherry's apron. Before Cherry could see what it was, she ran outside into the cold and up to Charlie's truck. It was indeed dirty, mud caking the underside and on the running boards; splashing up around the wheel wells and front bumper.

She had knocked before climbing in, throwing her bag on the floor at her feet. The heat was blasting and Charlie's window cracked as he lit up another cigarette. "Can I have one?", she asked suddenly craving one.

He nodded, opening the pack up for her to grab one. She took his lighter and lit one, while rolling down the window a bit, the handle difficult to maneuver. "So Ashley? That's my name?"

Charlie looked bewildered. "What do you think it is?"

She shrugged, taking another drag before blowing it out the window. "I really mean it when I said I woke up with no memory. I just started calling myself Ember."

He shook his head, "Ember...that was what you wanted to change your name too when we graduated. You really are her." He leaned back and took another drag. His body was more relaxed now, right hand resting on his leg, other hand pushing his hair out of his face before returning the cigarette to his lips.

"As far as I know I didn't run away, if I did I really fucked up. Do I have family?"

"No—not really. You're parents died when you were a baby, so you lived with your grandparents. Then they both passed away when we were in seventh grade. A family that had just moved to town took you in as a foster, CPS wanted you to stay in town where you grew up."

"So I don't have any other relatives?"

"No. If I remember correctly both your parents were only children, and also both your grandparents."

Just like that Ember had found answers, but not all of them. "When did I go missing? What happened?"

He didn't respond though and instead zeroed in in her bag. "Where are you staying?"

"Here and there."

"I have an extra bedroom if you want it." His eyes were wide with hope. "I promise no funny business, Ash—Ember."

Her heart suddenly leaped. The past few years she lived where ever. In the colder months she tried to get motels, resorting to what she did early this morning, stealing money and things to pawn. "I have a motel room.", she lied. She didn't know why she did it. "But I'll come by so we can talk more."

He nodded his head and turned in his seat, putting the truck in reverse. "We can talk more there. Maybe over coffee, where people aren't nosey."

They rode in silence; Ember watched every turn they took. He got them onto I-10 West, until they took exit 835A onto US-287, heading towards Lufkin and Jasper. She was shocked when she knew what exit came next, the one towards SH-105, where they would then make a u-turn and eventually be on SH-105 West to...Shady Oaks.

Shady Oaks, Texas.

The name crashed into her, flashes upon flashes of small memories. None of them substantial, or meaningful into finding out what happened to her, but did solidify what her gut was telling her. She did not leave willingly, she did not have a choice.

"I think I know where we are...I, oh my god I think I remember this drive." She mumbled.

Charlie stole a quick glance at her. "We lived here our whole lives. This is good right? You remembering this?"

She shrugged, unsure of what it meant or if this was normal. Ember did not go to a doctor, she had been found on the side of the road by an older woman who took her in for a few weeks. When she had regained her strength, she left, not sure where to go or what to do.

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