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I'm writing on a phone. It's weird.

I'd say my favorite from Notycx is probably Sonny or Uki. Sonny because he's too goddamn precious and Uki because he's Uki.

No one beats Shu tho. I'm pretty sure it's very obvious this whole book is extremely Shu centered lmao.

I just wanted to write a Shu pissed off moment man.

Family au.


"I'm going to be serious, this is a terrible idea." Yugo sighed, but it was quite obvious his siblings were going to do it anyway.

"Yugo, ever heard of a little thing called revenge?" Alban cooed, smirking at his own devious ideas.

Yugo narrowed his eyes. He never said he'd join, but it did feel wrong that he wasn't doing anything to stop them either.

And okay, maybe he understood where they were coming from. Shu basically KOed them at Valorant yesterday with absolutely no mercy.  Way too many headshots to count. It didn't help that Shu was only meant to be "support". He'd done a lot more damage than the rest of his team.

And to top it off, it was the second night in a row.

Them, referring to Yugo, Alban, Fulgur, Mysta, and Vox. Their parents were essentially children when they didn't have to be serious anyways.

"That's the plan, right?" Fulgur asked, and everyone gave a profound nod.

After all, it was only going to be some minor inconveniences for Shu. Nothing big, right?

Should've been.

But there was quite the major miscalculation.

See, on this particular day they set all of it up, was a rather vexing day for the sorcerer, to say the least.

First, he messed up on his calculus exam, knowing he'd definitely get a lower score than he wanted.

Next, Luca and Sonny had gotten in trouble again, and he had to bring both of them back home as they argued with each other.

Then, Ike apparently had an urgent errand to run (courtesy of Vox), leaving Shu to tidy up parts of the house and look after the little ones, and Mysta and Yugo were not making that any easier.

And then, Fulgur and Alban rushed off right after dinner, not cleaning up for themselves, leaving Shu to clean up their mess.

And then, he wasn't able to do his homework properly, because the internet kept messing up and he couldn't link to the wifi properly (courtesy of Fulgur and Vox).

And finally, Alban had the nerve to jokingly snatch away his orange juice with pulp during dessert time.

Oh, Shu was losing it. The sheer aura of power radiating from him was terrifying. It wasn't quite a burst of power, rather, little rivulets of mana slowly seeping through the careful wall of self-control Shu naturally built up over time.

It was enough to make Luca and Mysta go completely silent.

It was enough for Alban to gingerly place the cup back on the table and back away.

It was enough to make Uki and Vox shiver, despite both of them being quite proficient at the usage of supernatural powers.

It was even enough for Ike to show clear fear, something everything thought was impossible, considering how Ike seemingly held an iron grip of order.

Fulgur was the first to speak, the first to muster up enough courage to even open his mouth.

"Hey...uh...Shu...let's talk, please? You know, like good brothers do? I'm sure we can sort this out?"


Fulgur felt himself tremble as Shu's glowing purple eyes bore right at him.

"So do you want to apologize?" Shu's tone was soft, but in a deadly way. It was like a spiders web. Slowly but surely, the prey lost all will to resist, to fight back, and was lowered into a sense of security, despite distinctly knowing it was anything but that.

Vox finally intervened, clearing his throat. "Calm down Shu, I know you're angry, and we do apologize-"

He looked at the rest of those who were responsible, and they all lowered their heads.

"Hm." Shu hummed. "Okay then."

That surprised them. With how pissed Shu looked a moment before, this was a surprising turn.

"But try anything again..." Shu held his hand close to Vox's face. In an instant, flames burst upon it.

"I won't be so nice next time."

A clear warning to everyone. Don't piss off Shu Yamino.



Luxiem and Notycx Stuff??حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن