In School shi- Pt. 3

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I bought some pens the other day, and then I realized I got the wrong color. 

Neon green and normal green actually have a big difference. 


"I bombed the test" Mysta whined, flopping on the desk. Somehow, the fake ears on his hat wilted. 

"Sounds like a you problem." Uki snickered. 


"What grade did you get?" Shu asked.

"A 61 overall....."

"HAH! Luca, pay up." Shu laughed, holding out his hand. 

"Whaaa......dang it...." Luca cried, handing over five hundred dollars. 

"500???" Vox appeared suddenly. "You guys bet that much? I thought it was just 100!"

"Luca upped it because-"

"Come on! You were one point above the margin!" Luca interrupted, clearly pouting. "Sorcery!"

Shu just shrugged, but Mysta was dumbfounded. "WHAT THE FUCK- YOU GUYS ACTUALLY BET ON MY SCORES?"

"Don't look at us, Vox encouraged it." Luca pointed, and Vox just gave a cocky smile. 

" sabotaged me on purpose....YOU MUST HAVE!"

"You have me for one class, and you got your highest score in my class." Vox rolled his eyes at Mysta's statement, the latter sticking his tongue out and huffing in reply. 

"I see the future. Someone's about to pop off." Uki pointed towards Ike, who was fuming. 

Ike just sighed. It wasn't even break, and they all decided it was a great idea to crash his class and start doing whatever they want. For a school who was supposed to admit "special students", special definitely didn't mean "intelligent". 

"Mood swings." Yugo whispered.

"Like your mom." Shu joked. 

"Like deez nuts!" Mysta howled. 

"Are you drunk?" Fulgur asked, an unreadable expression on his face. 

"His tumblies are doing a drug dance." Luca answered.

"What the fuck-" Vox began, utterly confused. 

"I'm failing everyone here." Ike groaned. 


I had a teacher who failed everyone. Fun times. 

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