In School Shi- Pt 2

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Would I be a good teacher? Don't know. I just don't want to go to school more than I have to. 

The ones I can only really see being a teacher are Ike, Vox, Alban, Sonny, (though he'd be more like that new teacher that isn't sure of what to do), and Shu (he feels more like an older brother/tutor person)

A school scenario then. Vox is a history teacher, Ike is the Language Arts teacher, Alban's that chill sports or science teacher, Sonny's the new teacher for arts or something, and everyone else is a student. 

Also, pretend they have their abilities (if they have any).


"We have midterms???" Mysta yelled (barked). 

"What?" Luca stood up, confused as well. 

"Sir, I'd like to be excused from midterms. My daughter is dying, sick, in the hospital with cancer-"

"Sit down Yugo, you're 15." Ike rolled his eyes. "Uki, don't even get started. Do not abuse your psychic powers. I will take away that crystal ball from you. FULGUR-", sighing in pain. 

Andddd.....cyborg abilities can blow up a window, I guess. Fulgur was put back though, just as easily as he left. Black wisps of smoke-like magic threw  Fulgur back into their seats. 

POV. When your teacher is a 400+ age old demon. 

"Come on...." Fulgur groaned. 

"Sucks to suck. Now, get back to work." Vox smiled. 

"Shouldn't you be doing that?" Yugo taunted. 

"15 points off Slytherin." 

"This isn't even Hogwarts-"

"Vox, get out." Ike pointed to the door. "I'm trying to teach here. Don't you have a class to get to?"

"Passing period." Vox answered. 

"Well maybe you should prepare for your next class."

"I should, but this is more entertaining."

"You two fight like a married couple-" Uki called. 

"Silence!" Ike ordered. 




*Airhorn noises ensue*

"SHU! You're supposed to be the smart boy!"

"What? What do you mean?" Shu faked innocence, masking his laughter with a little bit of sorcery. 


"See, Luca's acting a little sus! What do you mean Shu did something?" Alban popped into the class, along with Sonny, who waved at the students. 

"I agree, 

Ike straight up walked out of the classroom, shut the door, and let out the loudest sigh of disappointment. He came back in, a smile on his face and a knife in his hands. "Anyone who shouldn't be in this classroom, get out in 3...."

"Isn't it not child-friendly for the teacher to threatening people with knives?" Uki asked. 

"And that's coming from you?" Mysta retorted. 


"Ah shit, I'm out." Alban disappeared just as quickly as he appeared. Sonny somehow just teleported out, no idea how that works. 


"Nah I'm not risking it today." Vox vanished, gone.  

Indeed, another chaotic day at their school. 

"aNoThEr DaY iN the SuRveY CorPs." 



I think this is decently accurate. I'm making more of these. 

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