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"Baby, I'm sorry" Yoongi said as soon as he entered tae's room.

"Go away, Yoonie" taehyungs voice was muffled and soft. Yoongi laid down next to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him.

"Please forgive me tae" Yoongi mumbled into the youngers neck and tae shivered before turning over in the pale arms that surrounded him.

"Why should I?"

"Cause I love you and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Taehyung pouted. How was that fair? He wanted to stay mad a little longer but Yoongi pulled the 143 card.

"I'll forgive you if you say it"

"Say what?"

"That we're lovers." Yoongis face softened. It sounded different saying it out loud than it looks when texted and spelled wrong.

Yoongi leaned forward and brushed his lips against taehyungs then pulled back to rub the stop of their noses together. The youngers eyes fluttered shut at the gesture. He really was in love with him.

"Tae baby, my love, my heart, my lover. Please forgive me" Yoongi whispered against taehyungs lips.

He felt them trembling, tae's lips.

"Why are you crying baby?" Yoongi asked as he pulled away from
His boyfriend and wiped his eyes.

"Nothin' I just really love you, yoonie"

"I love you too, baby" Yoongi replied, letting his hand rest in the boys hair as he rolled them over to tae could lay on his chest.



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Jungkookie.117 so we going out or??

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