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- jess's povs2 ep 6

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- jess's pov
s2 ep 6

the car stopped and we all climbed out, heading to the back of the car. steve opened the trunk taking out a bat with a bunch of nails in it. i turn to look at him, slightly concerned as he pulls me a sheepish look.

"do i want to know?" dustin turned his head at my question, answering with a blunt 'no'.

i nod my head as i follow the boys, stopping as steve pointed his flashlight at the ground, revealing doors to the basement.

it was silent for a moment before steve spoke up. "i don't hear shit."

"he's in there." dustin replied, nervously.

steve turned to face my brother before knocking his bat onto the chains, hearing no movement.

"alright, listen, kid. i swear, if this is some sort of halloween prank, you're dead." steve huffed, flashing the torch in dustin's face.

"it's not." we both replied, making steve glance to me for a moment. i look down at my feet anxiously as he spoke again. "all right?"

"it's not a prank. get it out of my face." dustin muttered.

steve spoke again, moving the flashlight. "you got a key for this thing?"

"that's what she's here for." dustin said, them both turning to me. my face heating up slightly at the attention.

"she, has a name." i rolled my eyes before passing steve the key.

the door swings open, my nerves suddenly rising. no monster was in sight, silence filling out ears.

"he must be further down there." dustin shrugged.

"oh, that's great, this is how people die in movies." i shiver, glancing at steve.

dustin turned to me worriedly. "i'll stay up here in case he tries to escape." steve and i turn to him with a glare to which he shrugs off.

"you'll both stay up here." steve sighs, lifting himself up. he takes a step forward but i grab his hand instinctively, making him freeze. he turns to me, glancing at my hand.

"just.. be careful, please." i tell him, dropping our hands. ignoring the look my brothers giving me.

steve is still for a moment before he nods, walking down the steps.

once he was out of sight my brother smacks my arm, causing me to smack him back harder.

"what the hell was that?" he cringed before mocking me. "be careful steve, don't die before we can make out."

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