The play

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~jades pov~

I finished getting ready and peaked through the curtains to see how many people were there and it was a lot. I was nervous as this was my first play and I wanted to impress sikowitz, I started to shake this was a sign that I was going to have an anxiety attack.

My palms were becoming sweaty and I was breathing heavier but at the same time it felt as if I couldn't breathe, I couldn't stop shaking.

I saw beck walking towards me, he looked round the curtain.
"Wow full house you ready?" He asks
I didn't respond which made him look at me
"Jade?" He said "are you okay you don't look like yourself"
I didn't say anything and just looked at him in the eye. He took my hands and held them tight in his, it was comforting but I wasn't calm yet.
"Jade look at me and breathe slowly you'll be fine we've rehearsed so many times and we're going to nail it and Sikowitz will have to put us in more. You'll be ok just focus on the now instead of what could happen" he comforted me "breathe in 1...2...3 and out 1...2...3" we repeated the breathing process for a little while until I was completely fine. I was still a little nervous but it was manageable. Beck pulled me into his embrace and wrapped his arms tight around my body.
"You'll be okay" he whispered softly
"Thank you" I said

We went back stage and waited for Sikowitz to do his speech and then we went back onstage for the scenes.

A/n- their characters in the play will have different fonts jade beck stage directions

I love you, you know that right
Of course I know and I love you to but we just can't be together
I don't understand why
You know why are parents are fugitives
Screw them! They can't decide whom I can be in love with
They'll kill us if they find out it's to risky
I'd rather be dead than having to spend the rest of my life having to hate you
Quick hide they're coming
They hide behind a bush
I think they're gone
They come out of the bush
If we're going to have to do this for the rest of our lives then let's run away together
What? Your mad
Just listen to me, we can run away for from here and we can be in love and won't have to hide
I don't know
Your just scared but think about it if we do this we can live a normal life
Okay I love you and that means I trust you, we'll do it
I love you too meet me here at midnight and we'll leave this place together me and you
They kiss and then leave their separate ways to their houses

~end scene~

We finished the play and it went great, beck was right there was nothing to worry about. Everyone applauded and cheered, some people came up to us said that we did an amazing job.

"You guys did amazing everyone loved it!" Sikowitz exclaimed
"Thanks" we all said smiling

After we had gotten changed and removed our stage makeup beck and I went to his RV and ordered a pizza and some waffles to share as a celebration whilst watching films.

Bade || before tori came to HATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang