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~jades pov~

It was beck, he just stared at me for a little bit.
"So are you just gonna stare at me or are we gonna go some where" I said breaking the silence
"Right yeah" he said

We walked to a coffee shop and ordered our drinks.
"What do you want" beck asked
"Coffee, black, two sugars" I said

Beck ordered and payed for us both.

We Collected our drinks and beck told me we were going some where.
"Can you just tell me where we are going!"
"Nope it won't be a surprise then"
"But I hate surprises"
"Just wait a few more minutes we are almost there" beck said

We finally arrived at a quiet place by the Hollywood sign that over looked the city.
"You like it" beck said
"Yeah it's so quiet"

He laid down a blanket for us to sit on, there wasn't much conversation.

~becks pov~

We sat down on the blanket and stared out admiring the view in comfortable silence.
"You cold?" I asked her noticing she was shivering a little
"Yeah a little" she said
"Want my jacket" I said
"Sure" she said

I took off my jacket and put it on her, I then put my arm around her shoulders and surprisingly she didn't budge me off instead she leaned into my slightly.

"Beck" she spoke up
"Yeah jade"
"Why me" she said
"What do you mean?" I said confused
"Why'd you choose me over all the other girls you could have went out with, they've got better personalities, easier to handle, more loveable" she explained "why'd you wanna go on a date with me"
"Because" I said and moved her head to look at me "your beautiful, talented, you're not easy and easy is boring and there's something about you that I don't know what is that make me want to get to know you more"
I saw her crack a small smile but she quickly hid it.
"Jade" this time it was me to speak
"What" she said
"I like you I really like you ever since I've laid eyes on you" I admitted
She looked up at me.
"I like you to it's just" she said but didn't finish what she was saying
"It just what?" I said
"Last time I liked someone I got hurt last time I said I loved someone they left me and I don't wanna get hurt again or hurt anyone else" she explained
"Jade I'm not gonna leave you or let you get hurt" I said softly "I love you and it's okay if your not ready to say it back"
Before I knew we were kissing.

~jades pov~

There was just something about him that a made me want to kiss him, it could be his personality or that he makes me feel safe more safe than I've felt with someone. Before I knew it I was kissing him.

We pulled away.

By the end of the night we were dating.
"Beck can we not tell anyone about us at school I don't want anyone knowing yet"
"Of course"

We walked back to my house.
He walked me up to my door. I was looking fri my house key.
"No no no no" I said
"What's wrong" beck asked
"I can't find my house key and I'm late it's gone midnight I was supposed to back 15 minutes ago my dad is gonna flip out even if I'm 1 minute late" I said starting to panic
"Do you not hide a key outside" he said starting to look for a key as well
"No god beck what do I do my dad is gonna kill me!"
"Ring the door bell I'm here and I won't let him hurt you and if he does I'm gonna stop him and you're gonna run upstairs grab some clean clothes and you're gonna spend the night and as many nights as you need at mine" he said calmingly
I nodded and rang the door bell, I moved closer to beck when I heard footsteps.

The door opened at it was my dad.
"Jade your 15 minutes late you know what happens when your late" he said completely ignoring beck
"No please don't please" I begged
"You were naughty so your gonna  have to be punished" he said and raised his fist and attempted to punch me but beck stopped him and grabbed onto his hand and gave a look to go upstairs.
"YOU GET BACK HERE YOUNG LADY!" My dad screamed at me as I ran upstairs

I grabbed some clean clothes, some makeup for tomorrow, a hairbrush and some clothes to sleep in, I shoved it all in one bag and ran down stairs.
"C'mon beck let's go" I said and stormed out the house

We walked back to becks house well his RV.
"You okay he didn't hurt you did he?" I asked
"No he didn't are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine"

We arrived at his RV and we entered.
"Thanks for this" I said
"For what?"
"For saving me from my dad"
"Don't worry about it, he was gonna hurt you"

Beck slept on the couch and I slept on the bed.

Bade || before tori came to HAWhere stories live. Discover now