19; Moment of Bliss.

Start from the beginning

"I-uhm--Oh.." She didn't know what to say exactly to be honest.

Mommy stared at her husband, since that was news to her too before shifting her gaze to her daughter. "Why didn't you tell us about it?"

"He's a VIP so they aren't supposed to disclose the information" Abba explained. He had visited the man the day before, and that was when he expressed his gratitude. Abba was a bit shocked that she assisted the surgery, but he was proud nonetheless. But that was all he knew, the General didn't tell him anything about his son being the surgeon.

They will get to that later because if Aslam is serious about his intentions towards Aisha—which he is from what he could tell—then it will only take a while for them to meet again on the basis on seeking for another marriage in the Al-Sayed family.

It wasn't hard to know which family she belongs to, considering she uses her full name at work and knowing her family already, he has little doubts about the girl being part of his family.

It was only a matter of time.

"Oh" Realization dawned on Mommy, whose eyes widened slightly. "Wait, is he that patient you were talking about the other day? The one you assisted our son-in-law?"

Son-in-what? Aisha stared at her mother with wide eyes, earning a chuckle from both parents. Aisha thought they were already past that stage, apparently not. Leave it to her parents to remember that and use it in the future. She stared at her parents, before throwing a glance at Hajiya who was watching her intensely. The last thing she wanted was for the old woman to know because she of all people definitely won't let it go till the day she sees her married. "Mommy, wallahi that's not the case--"

"Okay okay. Idan tayi tsami zamuji ai" Mommy cut her off, waving it off. Her words didn't make Aisha feel any better, she could still feel her cheeks heating.

As if that wans't enough, she heard the last person she wanted on the matter but even she knew she would speak. "Aisha, daman you have a suitor?" Hajiya asked, her unwavering gaze on the girl.

Aisha wanted to groan in frustration. Seriously? Why would Hajiya ask her that? "No Hajiya"

"You should tell him to send his elders after Humaira's wedding"

"You say what?" Aisha wanted to say, but she was able to hold herself back before she could do so. So, she chuckled nervously and looked down for a brief second, before looking up again. "Hajiya, I don't have a suitor"

"Then you should find one soon" Hajiya stated, her voice firm. "Your parents will not feed you and provide you a shelter forever. Do you want to grow old in this house? You are done with university, har kin fara aiki. What else do you want, iye Aisha? Tell me. You don't have any excuse, or do you?"

"Hajiya aure fa lokaci ne" Mommy piqued in, her mood turning sour. Honestly, she could handle whatever insult is thrown at her but she hates it when they attack Aisha like that. What did the girl ever do to them?

Hajiya shifted her glare from Aisha to her mother—glaring seems to be her permanent expression whenever she is in that house. Unless she is alone with Abba, she doesn't smile and instead hold up her famous glare and scowls.

"She is right, Hajiya" Abba jumped in, knowing if he allowed them to keep going only God knows how it will end. "Aure da mutuwa duk lokaci ne. If the time comes, Aisha would get married in shaa Allah"

Hajiya rolled her eyes, as she leaned back on her chair, looking away. "Allah sa toh" She stated, signifying the end of that conversation.

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