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Andrea's POV

"All six of you will be sent down to the middle to have your last test." Sir Marco finally said. "You will be undergoing a difficult test that would test your patience and perseverance to guide a human." He stopped to nod his head. "Yes, it could take a long time to guide them but it would award you to your long awaited emblem; your wings."

"So I have given you the background, any questions?" He asked.

"Does this test have any time limit?" Courtney, an incoming angel like the rest of us, asked.

"No. It doesn't. This test usually last for months or sometimes even years. Anything else?" Sir Marcus answered followed by a question facing us all.

Years?? It has to take me an unidentified years for me to have my wings? This is nuts.

When no one answered he clapped his hands and rubbed it together. "Well then, okay, remember you must never talk about your true self or else you won't be brought back here in heaven nor are you to achieve your own wings. You will forever be stuck in the middle unless of course you've caught yourselves a disease just like the humans, you could be murdered or basically how humans die but if you haven't caught any of the likes you would be living in the middle - possibly - forever." He, again, stopped to drink some water.

"You need to work in order to sustain your daily needs, clothes and a 1 day meal is provided but we would be giving you a $100 as a head start. Good luck and take care of yourselves." Sir Marcus finished and snapped his fingers. Soon enough, the bright cloudy environment vanished and I was brought to a dull and wet environment and I am all alone.

People were on their raincoats, umbrellas in their hands, walking continuously. Everyone minding their own business. The scenery looks so misty and hazy and I feel so lost.

I looked down and saw that I was wearing a white dress that stopped below my knee, a white sneakers, and I was carrying a brown leathered bag. I looked back to the people walking and I started to feel dizzy, I blinked continuously to regain my sight but all I knew in that moment is what I last saw was black.

Zayn's POV

I woke up with a headache that fucking hurts like hell!

I tried to stand up but I felt a weight on my left arm.

What the fuck?

I saw a blond hair scattered across my bed and my arms. I roughly pulled my arm away from her and waked her, just like I intended to. The girl opened her eyes confused and lightly lifted herself up.

"Who do you think you are?! Get off of my bed." I rudely said to the girl pulling her out of my bed - naked.

"Oh c'mon, Zayn.." She purred.

"No fuck you, get the fuck out." I said to her as I pushed her out of my bedroom and closed the door. I took her red dress and heels off the floor and thrown it out of my door. "Go home and never come back." I huffed angrily, my head is pounding and I woke up with a girl beside me, when I specifically told her to leave right after.

This bitch continued to knock on my door squeaking my name outside. "Zayn! Zayn!" She screamed as she knocked.

"Bloody hell! What don't you understand with "get the fuck out?" I asked angrily opening my door. "Drew! Drew!" I grumbly called my butler.

He came urgently and was looking very alerted.


"Get this girl out of here and if you passed by Maria tell her to come here."

Drew didn't need to be told twice. He gripped on the girl and pushed her down the hall - still naked. The girl trashed around and was still screaming. Holy hell! When is she going to stop?

It took a while for the place to be peaceful again but boy was I grateful. I walked to my bed and looked at my LED clock, 11AM. I closed my eyes to somehow relax because I'd have to go to work in awhile.


"Maria, what did I told you about the girls?" I asked massaging my my temples.

Maria bowed her head and apologize. "Whatever, get me some Advil and make it quick."

"On it." She said and quickly left.

I quickly took a bath and after that I took my Armani suit on my bed. I drank the Advil on my nightstand.

I dialed my driver from my phone to get the car ready.

I arrived at the M.Co late as ever. I'm the CEO anyway, I make the rules.

"Tell Jordan to get me a strong coffee and a complete breakfast. Now. And tell him if he delivered my food after 20 minutes, he's fired." I gravely told the receptionist.

"Yes sir."

Andrea's POV

I woke up with my head feeling a bit bizarre. It hurts so bad but it's durable.

"I wonder if humans always feel this way.." I thought loudly. I look around my surroundings and noticed that I currently am in an odd place. I was laying down on a soft boxy-shaped thing. I was so amazed with how soft it was that I started to bounce in my seat. The weird feeling of my head long forgotten. I stood up and started to gleefully walk around the place.

I went to a small table outside of the room and saw a paper.


You'll be guiding the person inside the folder that has all the information in it, underneath this paper. Also, your hundred bucks is inside the folder. Remember to find yourself a job and good luck.

I placed the paper back down onto the table and took the white folder and opened it. Five $20 dollar bills fell onto the floor and I took it all placed it back to the small table. I sat on the couch, folder still in my hand and I took a good long look on my "client's" photo.

He was good looking alright. He is even more good looking than the other male angels. I read his name.

Zayn Javaad Malik

That's a weird name. But it sounds so unique, fits him.

Some common information was written below his name like his birthday, parents, siblings and whatnot. He's a 24 year old, CEO of a software company that earn millions every month.


He looks rather old than what his original age is. Well, apparently I'm older than this man. Literally, I'm 80 years old but physically I'm 22 years old. Angels stops aging at a certain point and I guess I stopped at 22.

There is a lot of things written in there; his likes and dislikes. His fear. Strengths and weaknesses and many more. It was almost scary that they have caught this whole information. Almost.

I stood up and felt like I should explore my place more. So, I closed the folder and stood up.

I'll pay him a visit, soon.

Author's Note:

So, this Prologue has a 1,195 words and I hope that's enough to give you guys the snippets (lol what) There's more in store for this book but I just love procrastinating that I don't update THAT much.

This will be the first of the fifths of my "Angels" series.

It was actually hard for me to continue writing this ONE chapter because of all that happened with the fandom. But, we're still going strong right?

I love you if you read this but I'll probably love you more if you will be supporting me through battling my procrastination.

All the love. A

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