Four Walls and A Roof

Start from the beginning

"We're going to get all of them. But for starters, you'll do just fine. We did a good job on your leg. We'll probably save the kids for last, though." Bob had started sobbing more. "I'm being a human being here. I'm talking to you. It's about perspective, Bob." Gareth said. "You're above ground. At least you're better than them." He gestured back towards the walkers. Bob's sobs turned into laughter and Jasper grimaced.

"Bob." Jasper tried to say, but Bob was ignoring him.

"Well he lasted than I thought he would." One of the women said.

" idiots." He continued his manic laughter and then he pulled his shirt away from his shoulder. Jasper's eyes widened in horror as he revealed a bite. "I've been bitten you stupid pricks!" He exclaims. "I'm tainted meat." Some of them spit out the meat they were eating as Bob rolled over to laugh again. Nate's eyes were open again, Jasper realized. He had propped himself up on his shoulders and was staring at Bob with a confused look on his face.

"What's going on?" He tried to ask but Jasper didn't reply.

"Let's just kill them now!" Greg said, taking his knife out and almost going for Bob.

"No, no we need them!" Gareth said, putting a hand out on Greg's chest. They had started to argue with each other, concerned about the bite while Bob's laughter continued.

"Hey, hey shut up or the kid gets it!" Greg had stalked towards Jasper, getting behind him and wrapping his arm around his neck to hold his knife against it. It had done the job and Bob had stopped shouting, but Gareth still moved forward to knee him in the chin and he passed out. Gareth sighed and turned back around, he had noticed Nate now.

"Welcome back, bud!" He exclaimed, Nate's stare turned hard. He blinked once, taking in the sight of Gareth and the expression on the boy's face took Jasper back to when the claimers had captured Rick, Carl, and Michonne and he couldn't do anything to help them. This was like that again, Jasper thought. Greg had taken the knife away from Jasper's neck but he still stood close to him.

"What the hell do you want with us?" Nate asked him. Gareth rolled his eyes.

"I already explained most of this to your little boyfriend over there but to wrap it all up, revenge. Against Rick and whoever stood with him while Terminus burned. Believe it or not, we did have innocent people there. You were just too blind to see it." He replied. Nate got to his feet then, the corners of his mouth turned slightly upwards as he let out a scoff.

"You people have no idea who you're messing with." Nate told them, in almost a whisper, taking a step closer to Gareth. He came up to about the other man's shoulder, if he were a bit more taller he might've been more menacing. It reminded Jasper of Rick. Nate shook his head. "You're even more fucked now than you were before."

"Whatever. Someone get him up." Gareth waved Nate off and two people walked over to Bob and they dragged him away.

"Hey! Hey! Where are you taking him?" Jasper yelled but a woman pointed her gun at him, forcing him to step back.

"Don't worry. It's all apart of the plan." Gareth told him.

They had tied their hands behind their backs and forced them to sit underneath the window, where walkers were hitting the glass and growling through it. Jasper swore he could hear the glass cracking more but he didn't want to look up. Gareth had taken Greg, Martin and Maria with him. They were left alone with the other two guys.

"Listen, if we don't make it through this-" He whispered. Nate snapped his head towards him.

"We will." He insisted.

"Nate-" Nate shook his head.

"No, Rick and the others will have noticed we haven't come back by now. Especially with Bob gone too, they'll know." He told him. Oh, that reminded him.

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