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Author's Note:

Bryson and Sophie are 2 years old in this one-shot!


Veronica and Heather were fast asleep, all warm and snug under the covers. Veronica had her face snuggled against the side of Heather's neck with a hand on her chest while Heather had her head on top of Veronica's while her arms were splayed out.

Veronica woke up to the baby monitor making a noise, she slowly opened her eyes halfway and gently patted Heather's chest and murmured sleepily, "Babies are up. Your turn." Veronica groaned and rolled over off of Heather

Heather groans quietly and rolls out of bed to go grab the twins from their morning nap. "Good morning guys. Did you have a good nap?"

"Nap?" Sophie says with a precious little yawn before reaching out for her mommy. Heather takes her with a chuckle and kisses her chubby cheeks as she carries her over to be changed.

"Did you have any dreams darling?" Asked Heather as she put a fresh new diaper on Sophie.

"Deams?" Sophie asked and thought about it before she remembered, "Cuddle aaaaaaall day!"

"You drempt we got to cuddle all day?" Heather chuckles. "Actually, I think we can do that. Me and mamma don't have anything to do today. What do you think, Bry? Should we go get Mamma and snuggle for the rest of the day?"

"Snuggle? Mamma?" Bryson asks as Heather swaps Sophie out for her brother and changes his diaper. "Luff Mama." He said softly.

"Aww," Heather coos then pretends to act sad. "What about me?" Heather pouts

"Luff Mommy too," Bryson nods. Heather smiles and bends down to kiss his tiny nose.

"You better. I'd be very sad if you didn't." Heather chuckles. "Ok, one second."

Heather leaves them together in Sophie's crib while she goes to wash her hands, then picks them both up along with their favorite baby blankets, pacifers, and stuffed animals and then carries them back to see Veronica.

"Hi Mamma!" Sophie chirps happily. Veronica looks up from washing her face in the bathroom and laughs when she sees the little pile of blankets and messy-haired babies her wife has returned with.

"Hi princess Sophie." Veronica says. "Did you two have a nice nap?"

"Cuddle aaaaaaaaall day." Sophie says again as Veronica walks over and takes her from Heather.

"Huh sweetie?" Veronica chuckles affectionately.

"Apparently, That's what she dreamed about." Heather replies, crawling back into bed with Bryson. Bryson rolls over and climbs over to cuddle Veronica to.

"I think that sounds doable," Veronica agrees, kissing Sophie's forehead. "What about you Bry Bry? What did you dream about?"

"Deam bout Santa." Bryson replied.

“You drempt about Santa?” Veronica giggled. Bryson nods with a smile. “He’s coming soon, you only have a few more weeks to wait.”

“Mamma?" Bryson asked looking at Veronica.

“Yes son?” Veronica asked, propping herself up on her side. Sophie nuzzles into Veronica's chest, while Bryson lies on his back in between Sophie and Heather.

“Wha’s a weeks?” Bryson asks.

“A week is seven” Veronica explains.

“Oh.” Bryaon says, understanding. “Lotta days.” He then says.

“I know.” Veronica hums understandingly. “But sometimes weeks go by so fast, we’re gonna have so much fun. We have a lot of fun stuff planned in between to keep you and your sister busy. Santa will be here before you know it.”

“Hug Santa....” Bryson sighs.

“Aww,” Heather coos. “You'll probably get to meet one of his helpers soon, you can hug him. I bet he can pass it on to Santa for you bud."

Bryson considers what his mother says and nods. Sophie leans back from Veronica a bit to ask, “Get p’esents?”

“If you’re on the nice list,” Heather says. “I know bubba has been good but I'm not so sure about you Sophie." Heather says playfully. Sophie looked at Heather and whined, "Whaaaaa?" Heather giggled and said, "You made a huge mess with the chocolate mix a few days ago.....that was pretty naughty." Sophie teared up and whimpered, "Said sowwy!" She argued. Heather noticed her tears and immediately felt guilty, "No no baby, don't cry. It's ok. I'm just messing with you. You've been a good girl this year." Sophie calmed down and wiped her eyes, "Yay..." She said weakly.

“An’ a weindeer?” Bryson asks. Heather looks down at him and cuddles a bit closer, her nose almost in Bryson's little ear. Bryson giggles as Heather peppers lots of kisses on his chubby cheek.

“I dunno about the reindeer. You two have been so nice that they’re gonna have so many presents to carry here.” Heather replies.

“Be heaby,” Sophie says to which Heather nods.

“It will be heavy, we’ll have to give them lots of carrots." Heather admits nodding her head.

“Cawwot?” Sophie asked, giving Heather a confused look.

"Reindeer love veggies,” Veronica explains. “Especially carrots. Carrots are very very good for them. It makes them see better while they fly around."

“I like cawwot.” Bryson says thoughtfully. “I weindeer.”

“You’re a reindeer?” Heather chuckles. Bryson looks up at her and nods. Heather rolls over onto her back and brings her knees up, resting Bryson on top to hold him like an airplane. “Look, you can fly, too!”

Bryson giggles happily, poking his little tongue out as Heather veers him gently from side to side to steer her around. “Mamma! Look!”

“I see my little deer.” Veronica chuckles. “You’re flying so high!"

“Me too!” Sophie calls, crawling out of Veronica's embrace and over to Heather. Heather switches them out and lets Sophie have a turn as the reindeer.

They both giggle and cuddle into Heather's chest when she brings Sophie in for a landing. Heather laughs with them and holds them close to her. “What should we do while we cuddle?”

“Stowies,” Bryson says immediately. Heather grins at him.

“Read stories? Ok, we can do that.” Heather says. “Why don’t you go pick some from your bedroom?”

Both of them eagerly wiggle down off the bed and barrel back to their room. Sophie comes back early and empty-handed. “Mommy?”


“How much stowy?”

“As many as you want." Heather chuckles. “We have time.” Sophie nods and runs back.

“I'm gonna go make us some lunch."  Veronica says, bending over to kiss her wife. “You guys enjoy story time, I’ll be right back.” Veronica gets up and heads downstairs. Heather waits for her kids to come back, lying peacefully on the bed and just relishing in the cozy vibes of the day so far.

Heathers One-Shots (With Children)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن