Unexpected Guests

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They saw a group of familiar people who looked at the Fernandes siblings like they had seen someone exquisite. They signalled their parents asking them who their guests exactly were. Their father then whispered to them that they were some close family friends and their families who used to stay abroad with them. "We understand you might find it hard to recall who we are. Don't worry we'll re-introduce ourselves." A sweet and kind-looking lady said. "This sweet lady who just chatted is Sarah Matthew and this is her husband and my cousin Zachariah Matthew," Asher said. "Sarah as in Princess" Abi said with a soft tone. "Uncle Zach!" Ariel shouted in delight and startled everyone. Abi then gave Ariel 'THE LOOK.' "Exactly, and this is his twin brother Saul Matthew and his wife Ruth Matthew" Asher continued. "And these are a few friends you might know Victor and Phoebe D'souza and of course John and Diana Gonsalves," Sarah said. "Hi," the three siblings said in a synchronized manner. "Where are the kids? It's been for every that we've seen them" Elisha asked inquisitively. "They were right behind us they'll be here soon enough. Don't worry," said Zach. "Were y'all headed somewhere?" Ruth asked. "We were but it can wait," Inaaya said from behind. Abi signalled them with a look that was confirming whether they were okay with waiting as she attended to her guests and as her gang reassured her she gave them a soft smile."By the way, these are my friends Innaya, Darshan, Rehan, Chloe, Sumitra, Kinjal and Aarav," Abigail said as she introduced each one of them. "The kids are here," said Phoebe. As they entered the house Abi was shocked to see ...

Perfect SmileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora