|• Chapter 1 •| ROB (Edited)

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|• Sam's POV •|

I'm Sam, I am a girl. Some of you might be thinking, why is my name for a boy when I am a girl, well let me correct you.

My name is Samanta, I am a 25-year-old graduate student. with the features of black hair, average height, and pale white skin, I'm mainly finding a job for my daily expenses, I'm your typical straight-A student, I don't do it for honor or attention though. I mainly do it for the scholarship so I can have daily expenses.

(Samantha's visual)

I am a person disowned by my parents, mainly because I'm rebellious

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I am a person disowned by my parents, mainly because I'm rebellious. Dumb right, well I thought so too.

Though I gladly do so, as I'm tired of living with them, due to them adding too much pressure on me on doing what they want.

When I was 23, I discovered the thing called Anime, an animation mostly made by Japanese people.

And I become obsessed with it, I become a certified weeb. However, I'm not like those crazy and 'true fans' that only get stuck by only one anime and buy some body pillows of some character.

I'm mainly a weeb that is neutral in every anime and only mainly watches what interests me.

Like Hunter x Hunter, My Hero Academia, Demon slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Yawamushi pedal, Haikyuu, Kuroko's basketball, and more.

Though I notice that all of my favorite anime only have a male protagonist and that each time I watch them, I want to be a boy.

Don't get me wrong here, It's not like I hate girls or whatever, I also like boys, but I also come to like girls, well it doesn't matter to me, so I think I'm bisexual or pansexual.

It's just that I think being a boy has more advantages than girls like they have much more sharp features than girls, they don't experience monthly torture(you know what I'm talking about for girls out there), they don't get pregnant and experience labor pain, and they have more limitations than girls.

Though they also have disadvantages, such as having as when they're having sexual desires they have uh... I think you know what I'm talking about, and I heard that it's painful to be hit down there, also they are more stupid than girls, and girls are superior in senses to them.

Overall since I'm a girl, I want to experience being a boy someday...

(A/N: I know that many girls will hate me fit my statement but whatever)

Anyway back to the anime topic.

Also due to anime I started reading online manga(Japanese comics) and discovered manhwa(Korean comic) and manhua(Chinese comic).

Due to that, I started to read more than watch, because for me it's more fast reading than watching, as I get to read in a matter of 5 minutes for a chapter base on how long it is, and 25-30 minutes for watching anime.

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