Timmmmmmmmothy meets Quandale Dingle (ft. Ghepphry HumpNtampon)

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"oh shit pull out Quanny" ms ticklebums violently queefed vigorously on the goofy ahh man's nose and he pulled out virulently in slow motion.
"omg what is that that FUCKER doing in this house, Timmoyhy ?!?!???????!!!!?!m!d!md!m?m?mx?!x?!" she pointed at Ghepphry HumpNtampon with her nipple particles. Titmothy breathed in violently, murdering countless innocent flies in the process in order to portray his entire gacha furry anime backstory.
"so basically I went outside and I saw a tumor man who looked kind of like me so I went up to him and I said 'Did you insert sperm into my mother and cause me to become a living breathing tuman being?' while hovering ominously and then he said he was penisless and testiculess but he did do my mom soon went to the sperm dealer in order to find my sperm provider, so basically the sperm dealer consumed my multiple osmosis jones' while hovering ominously and grabbed your baby daddy's ip address and so I tracked him down and slapped his door with my dirt dishevelers and I told him everything and he doesn't want to be my father but he does want your hoohaa mommy my sweet mommy so *gives his ip to moth* and then I drank the sperm I got from the sperm dealer and hovered ominously and then his house fucking exploded so I asked 'DO YOU NEED SOME FLEX TAPE MR SIR' while yelling cutely in slow motion while maintaining 39763975836386 fps and then Ghepphry was like homophobic and shit and then we had an epic anime battle and I drank the sperm and poured it on him and he unphobed and he says you abandoned him and he was mad that you kept me over him so now we're trying to find bitches. Mommy my sweet mommy who the fuck is this."
The attractive 6'2" man went over to the tissue box to clean his cummy jizzy nおse and then started speaking
"The name's Quandale but you can call me Mr. Dingle"
"omg hi Mr. Dingle" Ghepphry exclaimed violently with joy like how Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks commits voluntary manslaughter every couple weeks at Denny's and squeals triumphantly on the scene.
"If he puts an embryo in me you need to call him papa ding or I will evict you, your aunt who shall not be named, your fucking brother, and the fifth kidney (it is placed where your frontal lobe is supposed to be, Timmothy. I have 15 photo albums of the exact same X-Ray of the fifth kidney in place of your frontal lobe)" Tina pissed and shidded and farded and pooded angrily in slow motion at her son. 
"ok well me and Ghepphry are gonna go get some bitches and I get some tiddy milk before we go"
"sure lol" Tina Ticklebums violently gripped the tumor and he sucky sucked her tatas as she hovered ominously while Quandale chanted racial slurs in the background, slurs of which I cannot write in this story or else there will be yet another pipe bomb in my mailbox again.
"can I get some too 😭😭😭😭😭😭goo goo gaa gaa I'm a baby, wah wah, I want milky milk, im three years old, can I please touch your vaggie waggie" HumpNtampon queried while whacking off vigorously with a bag of funyuns up his ass
"no get your own !!!!! 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠👹😱😠👹😱" Tina screeched violently, too adorning a bag of funyuns inside her gluteus maximum
" you can suck my tiddies Ghepphry " Quandale assured the goofy dog while also too having a bag of funyuns up his ass.
"MOM GIVE HIM YOUR FUCKING NIPPLES YOU WHORE !!!!!!👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹🗿🗿👹🗿👹🗿🗿👹🗿👹👹👹" Titmothsy bit the fucking teetaa in anger as he violently had a bag of fungus that was also up his ass
"ok" and they both sucked her teeteahhs violently and then teleported out of the door to find bitches

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