Timmmothys hunt for the sperm provider

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Timmothy immediately grew up into a 15 year old in -2 seconds bc that's how nature works and left his mother at home. He had promised to find his father and he was going to fulfill that.
"let me feed you first you piss bag" Tina screeched violently right at the millisecond her son was about to touch the doorknob and he violently agreed. He teleported to his mother and sucked her bitty violently with sucky noises as she hovered ominously. After an entire century Timmothy finally threw himself out of the house (literally) in search of the sperm provider.
Tinklebuckle wasn't The Sharpest Tool in the Shed™, so searching for the milk man was very hard for his -773526 minute developed brain to conceptualize. He soon spotted a man holding anal beads, presumably from the back of Spencer's. this man also kind of maybe somewhat looked like Timmmiuoiotithy, giving the tumor the right to teleport to the man violently and hover ominously.
"Did you insert sperm into my mother and cause me to become a living breathing tuman being?" he asked the man virulently.
"who is your mother" the man queried
"a hooker mc double with extra milk"
"Oh shit I fucked her 2 hours ago but"
"It's been a fucking year daddy. Mommy says you went to the store to get MILK🗿, but it's been 23 fucking years." Tomtmitmtkothy cut the dudes dialogue in half.
"shut. anyway what I was saying was I actually don't have a penis. you would have to ask the sperm dealer." the man explained.
"proof?📷📷📷📷📷📷" and not even -279266286276725 hours later did the man pull down his xxs sized jeans to reveal that he truly had no penis. not a weiner in sight. not even a single shred of foreskin. not even a hole.
"damn bro imagine. anyway I'm gonna go rob the sperm dealer bye"
and with that, Timmtktitmtitmtoithy proceeded forth into the streets, with cars speeding at a total of 273573753757256828729729798289293973793799372917919891892972997198297387387873783783763767537535737638892892803098398983893989738738786286286572752527527257275753 frames per second. however, just a few millenniums x0 later, a bush near the now pantless man started to rustle.
"Oh shit is that a fucking pussy" the man creamed himself somehow despite having no genitals. He leaned towards the bush to get a closer look. Just at that moment, he was shot straight in the cranium with a revolver. He fell over backwards as piss and shit and lube and cum spilled out of the wound.
"your hunt won't be long, Tinklebuckle..............😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😠😠😈😈😠😠😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈👹😈😈" the mysterious figure spoke aloud violently in slow motion as they twisted their nipple violently while *laughing darkly* and hovering ominously.

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