Opening Night

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Jaune's crew was busy, like really busy, like holy fuck we are opening a new club in three hours busy.  A lot of footman were running around hanging decorations and setting up scaffolding for the DJ booth.

Jaune: "Alright everyone remember, Uncle is coming to get an idea how everything is going, I do not want to disappoint! Do I make myself clear."

Everyone: "Yes sir!" Jaune nodded in content knowing that the severity was known. 

'Blip blip' He looks down and sees his scroll going off. He pulls it out and sees that a friend is calling him.

Jaune: "Hey Tai, it's good to hear from you, I hope your ride came on time?" On the line was none other than Taiyang Xialong, Ruby and Yang's father.

Tai: "Of course. I just want to say thank you again for allowing my Ruby to grow up so much, I didn't realize how much I've been holding her back trying to preserve her innocence. "

Jaune: "Well, you're a dad, it comes with the territory.  Im just glad I could help her shine. She's my best friend,  and was with me through my worst time. She has no idea you're coming either. She's gonna flip."

Tai: "I can't wait, I get to see my baby girl, and she's getting made tonight." Jaune could hear Tai start to sniffle a little. "My little girl is all grown up now, owning a buisness, growing into a strong fighter, I couldn't be more proud of her."

Jaune looked over to see Ruby doing breathing exercises to calm down, she was wearing her casual outfit and was trying to keep her composure.

Jaune: "I am too, are you showing up now or at the party."

Tai: "Well me and Qrow are going to head over soon, the brotherhood also wants to meet with you, hoping to bring some buisness to Patch."

Jaune: "We will talk buisness later, this is Ruby's night after all." The two continued their discussion and bid each other farewell afterwards.

Back at Beacon

Yang was an absolute wreck, she had been looking for her sister for years, but unfortunately had no luck, than out of nowhere she is found, owning a club!

Yang: "What happened to you those years ago.."

Weiss: "Yang?" She looked up to see Weiss and Pyrrha. "I know it's a lot, but I got good news, I know how we can get in to the opening tonight!"

Yang jumped and hugged her team member.

Yang: "You're the best, but how?"

Weiss: "Well it seems my sister is attending tonight, so I asked if she could bring guests, and she approved of us tagging along. "BUT! You will be on your best behavior, do I make myself clear! No starting fights, no roughing up people, no drinking, and most importantly,  no fighting Jaune."  Yang was about to open her mouth. "No.. Jaune obviously isn't the same man as before, his aura was intimidating as Grimm itself."

Yang reluctantly nodded.

As the three got ready two individuals were arriving at the club. Dressed in semi formal attire.

Tai: "I'm just glad I don't need a fancy suit for this."

Qrow: "Relax Tai, it's nothing to worry about. You look great, besides, focus is gonna be on squirt tonight." As they were walking the bouncer bowed and opened the door.

Bouncer: "Welcomes sirs, the boss is waiting inside for you." The two walked in as they saw staff and workers finishing up, the lights were a mix of reds and whites.

Qrow: "Wow, squirt has definitely made a name for herself." He lookednatbthe bar and saw all the different bottles. "Well hello there. " 

They looked over to see Jaune walking towards them. He wore his normal smile and gave a courteous bow.

Jaune goes into the family buisness Where stories live. Discover now