River of Styx

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It's been about 2 years since Ruby, Blake, Nora and Ren had gone missing from Beacon, though Yang had seen Ruby leave she was at a loss. There were no records of that bullhead being docked that night, so in her eyes her sister was just sadly gone.

Yang, Weiss, and Pyhrrha were made a 3 man team and were walking along Vale as the Vytal Festival was set to start soon. The festival stands were being set up and Weiss was uncharacteristically happy.

Weiss: "Ohhh I can't wait, this festival always helps me get over my sadness, it's going to be great. The celebrations of the world cultures. And even a tournament!"

Yang who was still depressed still managed to throw out a smile.

Yang: "I'm not used to seeing you so happy Weiss. It's kinda scary."

Pyrrha: "I'm inclined to agree with Yang on this one Weiss. "  the two giggled as Weiss pouted. "Besides, this just so happens to be the day the transfer students appear right?"

Yang: "And you could also spy on the competition. " She gave a sly smirk as Weiss was quick to retort.

Weiss: "You have no proof!" As they were walking they saw the remains of a dust store that had been robbed. "What happened here?!"

The two detectives were looking over the scene, not paying much mind to the teenagers.

O'Malley: "Well O'Conner, this is a right fucky wucky ain't it."

O'Connor: "That it is O'Malley, still, all the dust is gone, but none of the money, who do you think the culprit could be?"

O'Malley started stroking his glorious mustache.

O'Malley: "Either dem White Fangs, or another group, though the Fang hasn't needed this much dust, so your guess is as good as mine Der bud."

Weiss: "Blegh, the white fang, bunch of degenerates."

Pyrrha: "Weiss, how about we don't assume it's them, from what I remember Ruby telling us years ago, Roman was never caught, nor do they have solid evidence. "

Yang: "Yeah Weisscakes, take it easy. It's not like something is gonna make a ransom faunus look bad within 5 second-"

Sailor: "OI!! STOP THAT FAUNUS!" They turned to see a monkey faunus wearing black slacks, canvas sneakers and a blazer with no shirt underneath.

Sun: "Ey! I'm sorry guys, but I'm in a rush, later!"


Sun: "A no good would have been caught, I'm a great stowaway, Thank you very much!"  He started running into the city and Weiss watched.

Yang: "Well there's your transfer student Weiss."

Weiss: "After him!!"

The group started following the Faunus through the streets, though he also got away from them he made it to his destination. 


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