It would seem like he had nothing to do with the entire mess if his hair had not all come out of the band he tied it with and if his knuckles were not bleeding.

Tobias cleared his throat, carefully sidestepping a broken vase.

Alvaro lazily turned to his direction then groaned tiredly.

"Mr Tobias." Tobias's eyes widened when he saw Clara seated on a small table adjacent to him.

She appeared calm to say the least and it was a good thing.

"Clara... Can you call someone to clean this up?" He asked, mainly wanting her to leave the room.

"I— yes, of course." She quietly dropped from the stool and was out of the room in a second.

Tobias merely bent over to pick up the broken vase on the floor. It was right at the entrance and could hurt someone.

"Before you ask, I didn't touch Clara." Alvaro's voice was not as smooth as it would usually be. It was gruff and throaty. Like he had just woken up.

He watched as whatever Varo was smoking returned to his lips and he sat up. Throwing a tantrum must be exhausting.

"I didn't hurt Clara." He said again.

Tobias bit his tongue, forcing the snarky remark to die in his stomach. Varo was a ticking time bomb.

"Okay..." He managed to say, his eyes sweeping over the living room and making an estimate of the replacements he had to make. Correction, estimate of the replacements Alvaro had to make.

Shockingly, his eyes landed on bullet holes on the wall... Right behind the table Clara was sitting on.

"Are you sure?"

Alvaro opened his blood red eyes to see the wall and closed them again.

"It was a mistake. I didn't hurt—'' He paused mid sentence because of a sneeze that made his blunt fly out of his hand. "That fucking cat is going to kill me."

Tobias rolled his eyes at the man, eyeing his ripped long sleeve. Alvaro's eyes followed his gaze and he muttered a curse when he saw his torn shirt.

The only sounds were the ripping of buttons and sniffles coming from the lawyer.

"I may have destroyed the entire place but when I say I did not hurt Clara, I did not hurt Clara." He started as he took off the black satin shirt.

Tobias barely paid attention to the intensity of ink on his back as he walked to the waste bin.

The man had everything tattooed on him. To think he hated them still surprised Tobias. Why go through so much pain if you don't like them?

At least Tobias's own tattoos meant a lot to him. The pain and inability to lie on his back for days were definitely worth it.

"Then why did you let her see you like that?" He knew Alvaro could be a monster when he was that livid. He had seen it several times after Felicio's death and he still had the scars to prove it.

"I couldn't let her just leave. I'm pretty sure I would have lost my mind completely." He replied as he sat down again. "She was not there when I shot at the wall. The woman even fought for the gun and threatened to shoot me in the leg if I didn't sit down." Varo said with a chuckle.

"Can Clara even use a gun?" Varo nodded in reply.

"She's been practising. I've been teaching her."

Varo rubbed his eyes tiredly as he tried to suppress a yawn.

Don Ferna (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now