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I usually always prefer to write headcannons at the beginning of my stories but anyways these will be fluffy and smutty! Enjoy! :D


With akaashi's job he doesnt really have a lot of free time, so when bokuto wants to spend time with him he just lets him sit in his lap while he works.

Its very easy for Akaashi to notice when bokuto's upset so he always makes him his favorite food when he gets like this.

Akaashi was very stressed so bokuto tried to make him a cake. He failed and Akaashi ended up making one but he was still happy with bokuto's effort.

Bokuto proposed at an amusement park on the Ferris wheel because he wanted to be romantic. And it worked.

At the wedding bokuto was sobbing the entire time while Akaashi let out softer tears.

They adopted a dog and a cat you probably know who owns which.

Bokuto's very ticklish on his sides, he does end up attacking anyone who tickles him though. Akaashi has gotten scratched a few times.

Their favorite thing to do on late nights is turn on a christmas movie and sit on the couch wrapped in a blanket. It doesnt matter if its summer or not.

Nose kisses. I will not say more.

NSFW (if you only came for the fluff stop reading here.)

Akaashi loves spanking bokuto, doesn't matter if its for a punishment or not. He just loves hearing squeals and watching bokuto's ass turn red under his hand.

Bokuto has very sensitive nipples, and Akaashi loves teasing him about it.

Akaashi once fucked bokuto bent over his desk. So now everytime he works he always gets a sense of satisfaction.

Bokuto has tried to wear lingerie but got a size that didnt fit so it tore. Needless to say it wasnt hard to take off thats for sure.

Bokuto loves praise it always makes him half hard. But he doesnt mind a bit of degrading in the right moment.

Bokuto has been fingered in front of a mirror and forced to call himself the best botfriend ever for talking bad about himself.

He has given Akaashi a few blow jobs under akaashi's desk. It ended with bokuto humping his leg desperately trying to cum.

Bokuto also is very sensitive to whispering. Akaashi loves whispering right in his ear to watch him squirm and whimper a little.

Bokuto got Akaashi angry once, and after not being able to stand without his knees giving out for a week, he hasnt gotten him angry since.

Akaashi loves to kiss right at bokuto's waistline and make him beg to get a blowjob. Just because Akaashi finds it entertaining.

Well that's all for now if you want more let me know bye! :D

Bokuto X Akaashi OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now