ROSEQUARTZ House Episode 8

Start from the beginning

(While doing a weird dance...)

Miyoung; How does it feel to be back on the big stage in Japan?

(In Japanese)

Jihye: I'm really nervous.

Miyoung: She says she's really nervous. And her heart is pounding... And pounding

(In semi-Japanese)

Jihye: I'm hungry so... After the concert...

Miyoung: She's hungry so she wants some food after the concert!

(I think we know what she's trying to say)

Jihye: I want to hurry and go on stage.

Miyoung: She wants to hurry and go on stage.

Jihye: Thank you for translating!

(Jihye is talented in Korean/Japanese)

Miyoung: What is that? Kor-Japanese?

Jihye: Try it! Emceeing practice!

(In Japanese...)

Miyoung: Wow you sound like a Japanese news presenter!

Nari: Wait a minute!

(Good memorizing and emceeing skills!)
(Hayoon is checking her outfit)
(Makeup and hair, good!)

Nari: I put on purple eyeshadow today. How does it look?

Miyoung; Look forward to our performance!

(#ROSEQUARTZ Japan Performance #Anticipation #Different Version #Ending)
(The girls filmed their farewell in different versions)
(Queen of editing. Just give her a camera and you won't be bored)
(Girls return to their hotel)

Miyoung: Did you guys know...? We've done it again. We hear it only snows like this once a year. It happened to fall during the short time we're here. We've only been here two days and we've brought snow with us! This is something we eat often when we visit Japan. Is it good?

Jihye: It's good!

Hayoon: I could eat two of these. I'm so hungry.

Jihye: Should we order more food?

Nari: Yes!

Jihye; I'm busy eating.

(We've never seen her eat so well! She must have been really hungry)

Miyoung: It's melon bread.

(From the convenience store)
(Eyes locked on the bread. The girls don't leave out dessert)
(Can I have a bite?)

Miyoung: She's getting romantic. Let me just cover her up...

(Nari peek-a-boo!)
(She's posing again)

Hayoon: You look drunk off milk tea.

Miyoung: You're shooting an ad! Try to act like you're in a commercial! Let's try to land a commercial. Say, "please call us!"

(Nari, cue!)

Nari: Give me a call

(My eyes!)
(Don't know why... But we feel we should apologize)

Hayoon: We're so sorry. What should she do? She won't get any deals after that!

(I'll still wait for your calls)
(2nd round! Room service)

Miyoung: It's finally here!

(It's like they haven't eaten...)

Jihye: You're enjoying the meal, Nari!

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