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Stiles watched as Elijah stalked back by his desk without so much as a glance. Once Elijah was out of sight, he saw Derek slump back into his seat, running a hand over his face.

Sympathy swept over Stiles. He wasn't used to feeling bad for Derek, but Elijah really knew how to get to him.

With a sigh, he pushed off his chair and rounded his desk. He grabbed for the door of Derek's office before pausing.

Derek sat with his face buried in his hands. Stiles wasn't sure if he should interrupt. A surge in his chest forced him forward anyway.

Derek's head snapped up to see Stiles walking towards him, his door clicking shut behind him.

"Hey," Stiles' tone was gentle as he stepped forward.

Derek's jaw clenched. Damn his glass office. He'd never cared about privacy in his office until now.

"You okay?" Stiles asked, glancing towards where Elijah had retreated.

Derek's first instinct was to snap at Stiles. He hated that Stiles was being nice to him. He'd worked so hard over the course of the year to put Stiles at a comfortable distance. Their relationship kept him from getting too close.

"You don't have to talk about it, I just wanted to check in. I can get you another coffee or—"

"I'm fine," Derek cut in. His tone not nearly as harsh as he'd intended. Damn Stiles for being so caring.

"If you want, I can put a privacy notice out for the next hour or two, that way you won't be disturbed."

Derek's patience was weaning.

"That won't be necessary," he grit out.

"Alright, well, I'll be heading down to the studio to meet with the first model so if there's anything you need before then—"

"I'll let you know," Derek cut in again, his tone even sharper.

Stiles gave a nod before turning away.

Derek let out a sigh as guilt washed over him.

"Thanks for checking though," he said quietly.

Stiles looked over his shoulder and gave another nod.

"You can leave the door open."

When Stiles left, Derek ran a hand over his face again. He hated this. His frustration towards Elijah made him lash out at Stiles. It was habit though. Keep Stiles at a distance and he wouldn't get hurt. But now he was dating the guy and he didn't know how to balance the two. How did he let himself get into this mess?


Stiles knocked on Jackson's office door.

"It's open," Elijah called out.

Stiles took in a breath before pushing the door open.

Elijah looked up and Stiles swore he saw his jaw clench before pulling into a wide grin.

"Stiles, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Derek has requested that we tend to the Model interviews together. Our first is in thirty minutes. I'm heading down to the studio to get set up."

"I'll join you." Elijah spun his chair and stood to follow Stiles.

Stiles led the way down the hall. The silence between them was deafening and Stiles knew Elijah had things he wanted to say.

"I'm sorry if I was short with you earlier. I was out of line with my frustration," Elijah finally spoke up.

Stiles frowned as he shifted the file he was holding, from one hand to the other.

"I didn't even notice. Did I do something to warrant your frustration?"

"Not at all," Elijah flashed a wide smile that seemed too genuine.

Stiles gave an uncomfortable nod. He wasn't sure what Elijah was thinking but he didn't trust his sincerity.

The two made their way towards the elevator, silence falling over them once again.

Stiles cleared his throat before opening the folder in his hand.

"So uh, these are the model's we'll be interviewing." He leaned over so that Elijah could see once the doors closed.

"Derek always did have good taste in models," Elijah hummed as he scanned the headshots. "Why isn't he joining the interviews? I assumed he'd want a say."

"He said he trusted us to make the right call. He had a few meetings that unfortunately lined up with the interviews."

"He trusts you to do them?" Elijah raised a brow.

"I am his assistant."

"Yes, it's just...well you know how much of a control freak Derek can be," Elijah smiled.

"I'm well aware of Derek's control issues," Stiles laughed lightly. "Thankfully he trusts me enough to handle what needs to be done."

"Hmm," Elijah hummed.

"What?" Stiles hated falling for Elijah's bait. He was sure that's what this was.

"Oh, nothing, it's just...I'm happy he's moved on. You must make him very happy."

Stiles narrowed his eyes at Elijah. "What are you fishing for?"

Elijah raised his brows. "Fishing for?"

"I graduated top of my class and my dad's a sheriff. I know when someone is fishing for information."

Elijah dropped his chin to his chest with a chuckle. "I'll be honest, I'm a little jealous."

Stiles nearly dropped the file. "What?"

"Derek and I's relationship was...messy. He seems to really love you."

"O-Oh." Stiles cleared his throat. "Well, like I said, we're taking things slow."

"You haven't told each other you love each other yet," Elijah smirked knowingly.

"Like I said, slow."

"Hmm," Elijah hummed again.

The ding of the elevator halted the conversation as they stepped out onto the first floor where the studio was located.

Stiles walked silently beside Elijah. He worried at his bottom lip. He was pretty good at reading people and yet Elijah stumped him. He couldn't tell if he knew he and Derek's relationship was fake or if he was being genuine. Did he really think Derek loved him? Wouldn't he know best? He'd been with Derek for five years. Was Ethan right after all?

"I think Damon would do well for the twenties," Elijah said, pulling Stiles from his thoughts.

"Uh, yeah, I was uh—I was thinking the same thing," Stiles tried to shake his mind free of Elijah's words.

"I didn't mean to worry you," Elijah noted Stiles sudden discomfort.

"You didn't." Stiles shook his head. "I just wonder if Derek hasn't told me...that he loves me...for a reason." The words felt strange in his mouth.

Stiles noticed Elijah's shoulder's straightening.

Stiles smiled to himself. Elijah's guilt was written all over his face. Something he had done hurt Derek. He was sure of it.

"I'll make sure the outfits are ready, if you want to make sure the cameras are good," Elijah said, pushing open the door of the studio.


Stiles hid his cocky grin as they parted ways. He didn't know what game Elijah playing but he was pretty sure he won that round.

So sorry for the wait, I've been busy wrapping up my other story. Also I am going dark for about 2 weeks or so, due to vacation. I wanted to get this up before hand though. Enjoy! 😊

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