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Derek stood next to Stiles in the conference room. His team stared up at him expectantly.

"Uh, so many of you may remember Elijah Mikaelson," Derek tugged on his plain black tie as he spoke.

The room exchanged curious glances.

"Umm...he umm," Derek's neck grew hot under his collar, his tie suddenly too tight.

"He's gonna be working with us for the next project."

The curious glances turned to concerned ones.

"Unfortunately, we will be losing Jackson on this project. I tried my best to object to this, but Mr. Salvatore was unrelenting. Jackson, we'll speak after," Derek's eyes met his fashion editor.

"Uh, one other thing," Derek's palms began to sweat as he stared out over his team. He wasn't close with any of them, but he appreciated them all and he knew they would do whatever he asked. But what he was about to ask made his stomach churn.

Stiles raised a brow at Derek. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen Derek look so pale or anxious. He cleared his throat, pulling attention to himself.

"We're trying to keep this as painless as possible for everyone. As far as Elijah knows Derek and I are romantically involved and have been for six months. We're asking you to follow along with this."

Derek blinked at Stiles. He made it sound so natural. Made it look so easy.

The room filled with snickering and knowing hums, but Derek wasn't paying attention. He was too busy watching the way Stiles waved his hands around as he continued to speak. His tongue flicking out to wet his bottom lip on occasion. A sudden realization struck him; was he going to have to kiss Stiles? The room's temperature seemed to jump as warmth flooded through him. He was going to have a heat stroke if he wasn't careful.

"Do you have anything to add?" Stiles' attention was turned to Derek.

"Uh, uh, no," Derek hadn't been listening.

"Great, then we'll reconvene when Elijah gets here," Stiles clapped his hands together.

He waited for the room to clear out before turning to Derek, "Hey, get your shit together. If this is gonna be even a little believable, you can't look like you're about to pass out at the mere conversation of dating me," he hissed.

"I didn't know how to tell them without sounding...pathetic," Derek leaned on the back of a nearby chair. His fingers dug into the soft leather.

"As far as they need to know, it was a mutual agreement," Stiles shrugged.

Derek only nodded.

"Do you need some water?" Stiles stepped forward, finding himself unsure of how to act around Derek suddenly.

"Yeah, send it with Jackson," Derek nodded, pulling out the chair to sit.

He watched Stiles leave and let out a heavy sigh once he was out of sight. The room seemed to fill with air again and the temperature slowly began to drop.

He ran a hand along the back of his neck before a throat cleared at the door.

"Stiles sent me with this," Jackson held up a cup of water.

"Yes, thank you," Derek downed the water as he gestured for Jackson to sit across from him.

"Am I fired?" Jackson's hands writhed in his lap.

"No. No, I just...Mr. Salvatore was insistent that Elijah be a part of this project due to his prior knowledge on the topic. I tried to keep you on instead but...He is sending you to take Elijah's place for the duration of this project. You will be compensated for the inconvenience, I made sure of it."

Jackson nodded. "Umm, I never met Elijah, but I can see this is...difficult for you, so I'll do my best over there."

Derek nodded, "I'll have Stiles send you the information you'll need. I'm sure Elijah will be able to answer any questions you have if you want to wait for him. He should be here..." he looked down at his watch and sighed, "ten minutes ago. Otherwise, you have the rest of the day off. Paid, of course."

"I think I'll wait," Jackson gave a curt nod.

Derek stood with Jackson and followed him out of the conference room thankful that he hadn't pressed about him and Stiles dating.

Stiles was at his desk when Derek rounded the corner.

"Feeling better?" Stiles asked, looking up from his computer.

"Yeah," Derek answered shortly.

"Great. The final copy of this month's issue has been submitted. Now we're just waiting on Elijah, who is ten minutes late," Stiles leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Get used to it," Derek said, before turning and walking to his office.

Stiles watched him leave and wondered, not for the first time, what he'd gotten himself into. How was he supposed to pretend to be dating someone he genuinely disliked?

"Good morning, Stiles," Elijah's voice jerked his attention away from Derek.

"Elijah," Stiles swallowed. He didn't understand why this man made him nervous. He wasn't the one that had been dumped by him and yet here he was, gaping up at the striking brunette in front of him. Oh, he couldn't think like that.

"How are you on this much too early morning?" Elijah set a steaming to go cup down in front of him.

"On time, unlike yourself," Stiles quipped, grabbing the cup.

"I see someone's not a morning person," Elijah smirked before heading for Derek's door.

Stiles had loathed the glass that separated his office from Derek's, but in this moment, he was glad he could see Derek's reaction to Elijah walking into his room. He knew he shouldn't enjoy the fear on Derek's face, but it was mildly amusing to see his boss squirm.

"Morning Derek," Elijah pulled a to go cup from the drink tray he was carrying and held it out to Derek like it was a peace offering.

"You're late," Derek huffed, not taking the cup. His tie grew tight once more at the sight of Elijah in front of him.

"So Stiles mentioned," Elijah set the cup on Derek's desk when he didn't accept it.

A swell of pride washed over Derek. He should have guessed Stiles wouldn't take Elijah's crap; he didn't take his.

"So, are you excited to work together again? It's been a while," Elijah asked, dropping the drink try into Derek's too small trash can, not caring that it didn't fit.

Derek huffed. He forgot how petty, entitled and bratty Elijah could be.

"Do you want an honest answer?" Derek crossed his arms as he leaned back in his chair.

"Derek, you wound me," Elijah clutched his hand over his chest.

Derek rolled his eyes. And dramatic.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Introduce me to your team," Elijah turned and headed towards the conference room.

Derek met Stiles' eyes through the glass pane. This wasn't going to be easy.

Things are gonna get interesting soon! Enjoy!

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