But she never gave up. In a month, Damien had another business trip where he was scheduled to be gone for quite a while. With this, she made it her deadline to seize the awkward tension between them, but his rejections were proving it difficult to do so.

She picked up the plate of waffles and the unused cutlery from the table, deciding that she'd have the breakfast food as her lunch instead. She'd rather not eat than eat alone.

The elevator rang, snatching Abigail's attention. Her mind ran to the thought of Damien returning and joining breakfast. Instead, a tall man with shaggy blonde hair walked out.

He walked in carelessly, oblivious to Abigail being there. "Damien!" He yelled towards the stairs. He shouted Damien's name once again, "I need- What are you doing here?"

"C-Cameron?" She was surprised to see him. It felt like a weird crossover episode.

"What the fuck, this is weird." He took a few steps forward, "I don't know how, but if you broke in you need to leave now because, as much as I don't want to, I will have to call security on you."

Her eyes widened, "No, don't! I live here."

"You live here?"

Cameron looked at her with such shock that it was like she had grown another head.

She nodded and placed the plate of waffles back onto the table. It was making her arm ache. "H-how did you get in?"

"I'm family." He shrugged, flashing an identical key card. "Where's Damien?"

Brothers? She thought. But they didn't look alike at all.

"He just left, but I can give him a call and tell him that you're here," she suggested.

Cameron shook his head. "Don't bother, I tried but I think the bastards blocked me. Thanks anyway. I'll get going." He turned to leave but froze, "How do you live here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Damien doesn't live with anyone, so who are you to him?"

Abigail gulped, "His w-wife."

"Wife?!" Cameron exclaimed, eyes wide and ready to burst from their sockets. "Wife?!" He repeated it with just as much shock.

Abigail nodded, feeling awkward about the situation. It was uncomfortable to admit the wife title, it didn't suit her. She looked around her, trying to find an escape or a drastic change of topic. "Breakfast?"

At first, Cameron bombarded her with questions, to which she only replied with short answers or avoided overall. She wasn't too keen on talking about Damien, mostly because she was still a bit hurt from him avoiding her for breakfast. At some point, Cameron must've noticed her uneasiness and dropped his questions. He did ask about the untouched food on the table, Abigail briefly mentioned that Damien was late and in a rush and didn't have time to eat, which wasn't a total lie, but Cameron didn't have to know that.

About the waffles, he told her about one of his trips to Belgium, where he lost his friends after a long night of drinking and partying. He lost his phone that night but still found his way back to his hotel. However, the next morning he found himself strapped to the bed and an angry fat man yelling at him in Dutch. It turned out that he did enter the right hotel but not the right hotel room and ended up sharing a bed with a man who left the door open for his partner only to find a drunken Cameron snuggled beside him. Abigail choked on her food as he went into detail about the event; credit to him for being a great storyteller.

As they ate and spoke about their common interests, Cameron's stares at Abigail didn't go unnoticed. She knew he had thousands of questions about her and Damien and was finding it hard to comprehend the situation. But she was thankful that he just listened to her as she spoke and dropped his curiosity.

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