Gran looked down at him humorlessly. "Are you mocking me? You know there are no other boys your age in town."

Alex scowled down at his plate. "I was reading a book and I'd like to finish it in the park."

"Why can't you finish it at home?"

Didn't he just explain this to her? 

"Yes, but it's nice outside."

"Very well. Go get dressed and I will go with you."

Alex's heart jumped. This isn't what he had planned. "Why?"

His grandma sent him a hard look. "What do you mean why? The Food Palace is going to be open today and I need to purchase that food."

Wanting to yell out in frustration, Alex finished eating his breakfast. He had wanted to meet up with Anastasia and talk to her at least a little bit. Maybe his grandmother would leave early once she'd gotten her groceries. Then he'd be free to spend some time with Anastasia. That was the only thing he wanted in the world.

The walk to Apetvet mostly consisted of Alex listening and his gran talking. She chastised him on his interest in girls, reading, and other things most adults don't scold children about.

"Okay, gran, I'll be here reading at the bench," Alex told her as he continued to the park, leaving his grandmother behind to buy her groceries.

He sat down at the familiar bench which had been home to him as he'd sat and looked for Anastasia many times. And now he was doing it again.

After only a few minutes of "reading," something caught his eye. It was a figure walking into the Pharmacy. With a quick glance up, he saw that it was Anastasia.

His heart began to pound. It wouldn't be too strange of him to follow her, would it? As he glanced around, expecting his grandma to pop up from behind a tree or something. When she didn't, he stashed his book in his jacket and began across the street.

Anastasia was standing in front of the desk and turned around when the little bell jingled as he opened the door.

"Hey, Alex!" She said cheerfully, throwing butterflies in his stomach. She was excited to see him, something Alex didn't know was possible.

"Hello, Anastasia."

Instead of looking back at him, she turned her head to the counter, where Don was telling her something. Alex didn't know if he was feeling very jealous or very annoyed. He decided it was probably both.

"I'll go to the shed and get that for you," Don said, walking to a door to the back room.

Being across the room was too far for Alex. He joined Anastasia at the desk, leaning his elbow on the top of it. He wondered if it made him look any cooler. It was worth a shot.

"What does he mean by 'the shed?'" Anastasia asked him.


"The shed. Is that what he calls his back room?" 

"I guess so. If you're that young and owning your own business you're probably going to give stuff weird names," Alex guessed, shrugging.

"Do you think he owns this place?"

"I've never seen anyone else working here."

Anastasia didn't say anything back, although was her turn in the conversation. This was how conversations worked. 

Instead she just stared him in the eyes. Her blue ones were latched onto his. As she looked at him, Alex felt that she could see into his soul.

It was like his dream, but so much more real. So much more vivid. Were they going to kiss? Alex was hoping so. He began to lean closer, and closer. His hands were just raising up to her cheeks when-

"Alex!" A voice erupted from outside. Alex's head whipped to the side to see his grandmother on the other side of the glass window, looking infuriated.

Fear sprang up in his gut. "Sorry," he muttered to a clearly blushing Anastasia. This was the worst thing that could ever happen. His gran wouldn't let him leave the house ever again. He was doomed to stay in his room forever. 

If there was one thing worse than this, it would be his gran coming in and taking it out on Anastasia, so he was going to go out to her.

"Alex?" The girl's voice echoed after him as he walked out the door, the little jingle of the bell making itself known once again.

.  .  .

Alex was tired. He had been wasting away in his room for three days now, with nothing to do but read. He'd always liked reading, but he also liked being with Anastasia. The second they'd gotten home, he was sent to his room, only allowed to come out for meals and the bathroom.

Laying on his bed, Alex watched the small red ball go up and down as he pushed it up from his chest. Toss after toss. For a second he wondered if he was hypnotizing himself.

As the ball went upward it got smaller and smaller before hitting the apex and coming down, larger and larger. This happened over and over again. It went with the rhythm of Alex's mind.

Anastasia, Anastasia, Anastasia.

What was he going to do? He wanted to be with her. He didn't even have to date her. To be by her side would be enough.

Anastasia, Anastasia, Anastasia.

It hit him like a bullet. It was an epiphany. The epitome of teenage laziness would be avoided. He wasn't going to take it. He was going to go after Anastasia.

Why do I want to spend anymore time in this old clinic? He turned on his thoughts for a second as he tried to discover a reason. I don't, he thought.

And that was all it took.

Oranges: A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now