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*In this, Nat and Will never dated. They were always just friends.*

Being Nat's little sister, she was always looking out for me. Whether that was when I was cooking dinner in the apartment we share or in the OR room performing some kind of surgery. She always had my back and I always had hers. It was funny though because I was only two years younger then her so I wasn't much of "little sister" but in her eyes, I always have been and always will be. It was nice to have that kind of support but it also had its cons. I joined the Gaffney Chicago Medical Center 4 years ago and ever since, everyone there has become my family. Although, one person in particular had grown into something more. His name is Will Halstead. I know, I know. My sister's best friend? How cliche. I didn't expect to fall in love with him and even when I did realize that I was, it never crossed my mind he loved me too. But he did. Now, you might be thinking "oh yay! Happy ending. They love each other. The. End." Nope. Not the case at all. See, I have this weird need to never disappoint Nat and something in me just screams she would loathe me and Will dating. So, we date in secret. Once again, I know. Very cliche. But here I am cleaning my room in Nat and I's apartment because Will was here last night and I, obviously, don't want her to know.

As I clean, I hear the door open and footsteps walk in. It's Nat, I already know. So I open the door to my room and, low and behold, there she is. She's taking off her shoes and putting her bag down when she sees me. When we make eye contact, that's when I know. She knows. She knows about Will and I. I start to rack my brain trying desperately to understand how she could know because we are so incredibly careful. In the end, I come up with nothing. My body is suffocating with anxiety.

What's she going to do?
I know she's going to hate this. Hate us.
Am I going to have to chose between my sister and my boyfriend?

Before I can panic even more, she speaks.

"How was your day?"

The question is simple but there's an underlying meaning I can't quite pinpoint. With Nat, there always is.

"It was fine. How about you?"

That's when I realize. I just walked straight into her trap. She turns to look at me and her eyes hold nothing but pure anger. She turns around and walks to the kitchen. I follow. When I get there, she's pouring herself a glass of wine. As she does, she looks at me and says,

"Oh, it was fine. I just found out some things."

Here we go. I say,

"Oh! Really? What'd you find out?"

I'm trembling. She says,

"Oh just that you're fucking my best friend."

...There's a silence.

I don't know what to do with that. I'm speechless. I didn't know she would be that aggressive.

"Nat, what do you mean?"

I try to play stupid but I already know I'm done for.

"Please y/n, don't be stupid. Will let it slip today."

I'm going to kill him.

"What did he say?"

"We were talking about our patient when you walked past us and I made a joke about the fact that his eyes followed you as you walked past. All I said was 'Will stop checking out my sister'. And that y/n is when he slipped up. He wasn't even looking at me when he said it which made it all the more funny, to me at least."

It's not funny to her. I know it, she knows it. She's only saying it that way to scare me even more. And it's working.

"Nat what did he say"

"He said 'I did a lot more then just check her out last night.'"

Again... silence.

At this point, I'm fuming. How could he say something like that? I mean we've been hiding for so long and nothing like this has happened. I can't help but wonder if he did it on purpose.

"Nat I'm so sorry. We weren't just not telling you, we haven't told anyone. Please Nat, don't be mad. We were going to tell you I promi-"

She doesn't allow me to finish. Instead, she asks me the one question I was praying she wouldn't.

"How long have you two been together y/n?"

I don't want to answer. She's going to be so hurt. We aren't just sisters, we're best friends and I didn't tell her. To be honest, the answer is 2 years. Will and I told each other we had feelings for one another 2 years after I had joined the hospital and we have been dating ever since. I know Nat is mad but it's only because she's incredibly hurt. We tell each other everything and I can't help but feel like, now, I've ruined it.

"Nat please. Let me just-"

"How long y/n"

In a very quiet voice I say,

"2 years"

She doesn't hesitate with her response which makes it all the more worse.

"Get out."

My mind says it at the same time my mouth does,


"You heard me. I need a break right now. For 2 years, you kept something like this from me. Y/n, I can't believe you. Before I say something that I truly regret, I need you to leave"

I don't want to push her anymore and cause something bigger, so, with that, I leave. I don't take anything with me. All I have is my phone and the clothes on my back, which are pajamas. Even though I'm so mad at him, I decide to go to Will's. He's only a mile away so I just walk. It's late at night, so not a lot of people are out on the street and it gives me some time to think. As I continue to think about how horribly I had screwed up and how much I had hurt and disappoint my sister, I start to cry. By the time I get to Will's, I'm full on crying. I knock the door a few times before he opens it and he immediately knows whats going on. He tells me to come in and when I do, we sit on the couch.

"I'm so sorry" he says but I have to ask him the one question that truly matters to me.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

He sighs, "yes"

And just like that, everything we had built together, collapses.

"I can't believe you. Will, you know how much I wanted to find the right time to tell Nat and you comple-"

"Y/n, we have been together for 2 years. We should have told her by now. It's too hard. This" he says as he gestures between us, "is too hard."

"So what? Now what? She knows and she absolutely hates me. If you truly fucking loved me, you wouldn't have done that"

"Oh come on y/n, you know I love you. It just really fucking hurts when you try to hide me 24/7"

"Well then congratulations because we're done."

I don't even catch myself before I say it but now it's out there and I can't take it back. If I took it back, it wouldn't make a difference. I go to look at him and when I do, I don't want to take it back. His response holds no hesitation and his words pierce me like a sword.

"Fine by me" he laughs.

He fucking laughs.

I don't know this Will and it makes me sad. I wish we could go back to how it was before. Things were peaceful and now I'm about to walk out of his apartment with nothing but my phone and nowhere to go.

And that's exactly what happens.

A/n- i have had nothing to do lately so this one is long but its whatever i guess lol

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