He Loves You (Pt. 2)

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Of course. The world wasn't done ruining her today. When the two collide, she falls to the floor. And as she looks up and the pair's eyes meet, she knows it's all over. Y/n isn't a good liar and she knows that Will is going to ask her whats wrong.

As Will looks down at her, his eyes falter. He immediately sees the tears streaming down her face and quickly helps her up. Will knows y/n doesn't love to share her feelings, hell, for the entire 6 years he's known her, he's never seen her shed a tear. Knowing this, Will doesn't say anything about her tears, instead, he walks her to her car in hopes that he could cheer her up before she leaves. Although, as they're walking to the car, he can't help but take notice that she's so quiet. Quiet as in she isn't saying one word. Which is weird because y/n is one of the most talkative people he knows and he absolutely loves it. So he's trying to do the most he can to get her to put one sentence together. But she won't. He runs out of time as they reach the car and at this point, he doesn't care. What's. wrong. To put it simple, Will loves y/n too. He realized it about a year ago and ever since, it's been countless attempt after attempt to gain the courage to ask her out. He knows he's loved her since the moment he saw her, it's just taken him awhile to understand the things he felt when around her. He cares immensely about the woman standing in front of him and won't let her leave till he knows what's upsetting her. With this in mind, he asks the question

"Y/n, what's going on? I saw you crying when we ran into each other. I'm your friend you can always confide in me if something is wrong."

It could have been the fatigue that plagued her or the feeling of being on the verge of yet another emotional breakdown but y/n said that one thing that she's been wanting to say for 4 years.

"I'm in love with you"

It took one millisecond for y/n to want to take back what she said. But she knew she couldn't because Will's facial expressions said it all. The minute the 5 words left her mouth his jaw fell open. She wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry"
"Will please know that I'm extremely tired"
"I didn't mean it"
"Lets just forget about this ok??"

She scrambled to save the friendship she had held onto so tightly for 6 years and started crying as she saw it fall apart in front of her.

What she didn't know though was that Will was elated. He froze. The woman he had been in love with for 6 years had just said the 5 words that had been on repeat in his mind for ages. It didn't click in his mind that he hadn't responded until y/n was climbing into her car and trying to start the engine. He grabbed the handle of the car's door and yanked it open. He crouched down to her level but she wouldn't look at him. So he gently grabbed the side of her face and turned it towards him.

"Will again im so sorr-"

"I'm so in love with you too"

It was y/n's turn to freeze now. She couldn't believe it. She thought she was dreaming.


"I love you. So much. Always have and always will."

This was his chance. So he took it. He finally pulled the love of his life closer and kissed her. They didn't stop kissing until the moment was ruined by clapping. Both their heads shot in the direction of it and to no avail, it was April.

"Holy. shit. Thank god. I have been waiting for this day to happen since... the beginning of time?? I'm so happy for you two, don't get me wrong, but Will, I swear to god if you hurt her in any way i will find you and i will ki-"

"Yes April i know, i know. But you don't have to worry" he said to her as he turned to look at y/n once more, "i plan on making her the happiest she's ever been for the rest of our lives"

She finally gets it now.

He loves her.

Will Halstead ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ