He Loves You (Pt. 1)

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After a long 12 hour shift, y/n was finally able to rest in the break room of her work. She had gotten comfortable on the couch, shoes off, feet up, and her phone out. As she scrolled through instagram she saw all her friends (who weren't doctors) getting married, having babies, or just posting about their partner in general. As she kept scrolling, April walked in. She came and sat on the chair beside y/n and pulled out her phone as well. Although she didn't get much time to look at it before y/n spoke up. She said,

"Ugh I wish I was in a relationship. I hate seeing all these people happy while I can't even seem to get guys on dating apps to swipe right."

April looked at y/n dumbfounded. Her best friend was stupid.

Will and y/n had been in love with each other since the moment they met, which was 6 years ago. It was extremely obvious to the rest of the hospital but, to no surprise, it wasn't to them. Will practically worshipped the ground y/n walked on and y/n would always smile at the slightest mention of Will. For 6 years, everyone in the hospital had to watch as the pair fell madly in love. It was painful to watch especially a few months ago when y/n had sat April down and told her that she had feelings for him but was incredibly sad over the fact that she knew he never loved her and would never love her the way she loved him. April tried to tell y/n that that wasn't the case and that it was obvious Will felt the same way but, for y/n, it went in one ear and out the other. The conversation they had, had ended in y/n in tears because she felt like she was never going to get over the love she had for him and she would die alone because she would never find someone like him. After that, the friends didn't speak about the conversation at all after that. They never knew why, it just didn't come up and y/n didn't seem like she wanted to revisit the topic. So, here they were. Months late with the same conversation about to happen.

April couldn't find the words to tell her friend she was stupid but being the person she was, she said it anyway

"Are you stupid?"

She said it with such bluntness that it made y/n laugh. Although, she soon stopped laughing when she saw the look on April's face. She sat up from her position on the couch, looking at April with a face that held confusion. April rolled her eyes before leaning over and taking y/n's hands in hers.

"Y/n, we've had this conversation before. You can be in a relationship. Its waiting for you right outside that door" she said, pointing to the door that April had come through just a few minutes ago, "I know you think Will doesn't have the same feelings as you but, I'm telling you, he does. I wish you saw the way he looked at you, the way he listens to you, the way he goes out of his way to see you. Y/n, this whole hospital has seen both of you fall deeper in love with each other every second of every day. Please, I'm begging you, just open your eyes"

What April had said made y/n tear up but she didn't want to cry over him. She was determined to not cry over some guy that she would be over in a few months. That's what she kept telling herself. "I'll be over him in a few months". It was a lie and she knew it. It had been 4 years since she realized her feelings for him and it had been 2 years of telling herself she'd be over him "in a few months". Will had gone through some girlfriends while y/n was around. To say the least it was bone crushing. There was Natalie, whom he got engaged to, and then there was Hannah, whom he moved in with. These relationships were the reasons why y/n believed wholeheartedly Will has never and will never see her romantically. She needed April to stop saying these things to her because it was only making things harder. So, y/n stood up from the couch, looking down at April, she said

"April, stop. He doesn't even like me, let alone love me. You keep saying these things to me and it only makes things worse. Do you understand that I hate this job? Do you understand that everyday that I have to walk into this hospital and see him knowing we will never be more then just friends? Seriously, April, I'm done with this. I'm done with Will, I'm done with you, I'm done with this whole fucking hospital. I'm. Done."

She finished her outburst by slamming the door to the break room shut. She was fully crying now and practically running to her car. She had her head down because she didn't want anyone to see her having a full on breakdown. She's close to the exit of the hospital when she runs head on into Will.

Her heart stopped.

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