Rough Day

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TRIGGER WARNING: suicide, self harm, death

*if you feel depressed, stressed, overwhelmed, or in need of someone's help, please reach out. Whether it's the suicide prevention hotline or someone on this app or a parent or friend or a brother or sister, please seek support. You are loved, cherished, and supported. If you feel like you have no one to turn to, you can always chat me, i will definitely be here to talk to anyone anytime ❤️❤️*

As she walked through the door, the overwhelming sorrow she felt was suffocating. After just one long day at work, y/n had began to feel as though life was pointless. She worked as a pediatric surgeon at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center and today there had been 6 deaths. Each death consisted of a young child whom she had watched die on the table while she desperately tried to save them. She felt like a failure, she felt worthless. How could she live with herself when 6 kids died on her watch today? How could she live with herself when she had to tell 12 people that there kid had "sadly passed"? She wondered why humans were put on this Earth just to die and what was the actual point of life. To say the least, y/n was physically, mentally, and emotionally not ok. So when she walked through the door of the apartment that she shared with her boyfriend, will, it didn't take him long to realize something was wrong. He was cooking dinner in their kitchen when she came in and sat down at the stool next to their counter. She didn't say anything, which was weird because usually when she comes home she yells "HONEYY IM HOMEE" (she thought it was hilarious and it was one of her favorite things to do, not to mention will absolutely adored it), then she walks through the apartment to find will and when she does, she gives him a kiss and a hug. Today, she had done none of that. Will started overthinking. He thought

"did i do something wrong?"
"Is she going to break up with me??"
"is she moving across the country???"

It made him itch on the inside so he asked her,

"baby is everything ok?"

And that's when he heard it. The small and quiet, yet heartbreaking cries coming from the love of his life. He immediately turned around to find her head face down laying on the counter and he shoulders shaking with each sob that erupted from her. He dropped what he was doing and ran over to the empty chair that lay beside her. He didn't know what was going on with her but he knew that she wasn't ready to talk about it now so all he did was wrap his arms around her and bring her into a hug. It took a few minutes for her to calm down but after she did, he backed away from her a little bit to look down at her and ask once more,

"are you ok?"

Thankfully this time, she didn't start crying, she actually explained what had happened. As he listened intently, his heart broke when he heard his favorite person in the world say,

"why am i even on this Earth if i am just meant to die"

For him, it plagued the terrifying question,

"is she suicidal?"

those three words scared the absolute shit out of him. After she was done detailing the painful things she had endured today, he asked her, as gently as possible,

"do you feel like you are having thoughts that make you want to hurt yourself or make you want to do something more then just hurt yourself?"

If he's being honest, will didn't know how to "gently" put the question. However, the anticipation of her answer made him not overthink the way he phrased the question. She looked at him and paused. It was almost as if all her thoughts were pointing her in the direction of thinking that but she still hadn't blatantly thought or said "i want to commit suicide". Although, with will she knew she could answer truthfully no matter what, so she did. She said,

"never in my life, since my teenage years, have i felt like this but today was so incredibly painful that it made these old feelings spring up again".

Will's heart sunk.

His best friend wanted to leave this world.

He couldn't put it into words what he wanted to say so he hugged her once more and then kissed her. The kiss was filled with immense love and adoration for her and y/n knew that. Will had never been one to be excel at communication, especially when it came to his personal feelings. Will's love language was physical touch. He knew that and she most definitely knew that. After they pulled away from their kiss for breath, will looked down at her and started to whisper things like,

"i love you"
"please never leave me"
"im always here for you"
"you're the best thing that's ever happened to me"
"you make me feel something I've never felt before"

These words made y/n feel better. After all, she had felt like she didn't serve a purpose but, after talking with Will, she realized she did. Will needed her, just like she needed him. That was her purpose and she was more then happy about it. Yes, her work day had been close to traumatizing and it would take some time to get over the feeling of guilt that surrounded her when she thought about the children who lost their lives today but, when she came home to Will, it made her understand that everyday, she has something to live for. She has SOMEONE to live for and that made her feelings subside. When wrapped up in Will's arms, she found her home, her purpose, and her whole life and she never ever wanted to leave that life with him ever.

A/N: so this is my first imagine and i would live to know if you hated it or loved it or somewhere in between! Requests are open so yea! Thanks, byeee 🥰

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