[One-Shot #8 Yushiro] Until Next Time

573 13 4

Requested: Quitmaker

Warning: N/A

Words: 760

Notes: This is my first story written on the computer. And they have a section for states and I clicked on it. Got a lot of teens and young adults. Also never knew 45 to be in the percentage. And, I expected just females in my log, got a 8-14 range there male(also amusing due to "private to be a middle ground).

Anyway, enjoy.


You were the first person to not get on his nerves when he first met you. Through Tamayo, he was greatly surprised, but he didn't mutter a word in hopes to respect the wishes of her. She told him you were visiting, going on your own journey. He was disappointed at the news, but you were also in hiding, so he grimly watched you leave. 

It had been a while since he saw your face. Meeting the Kamado siblings set his life upside down, and the constant touching of the sister made him fantasize a different reality. It never lasted long. Nowadays his stress was high, and he had no idea how to ease himself. Tamayo was always calmed, even when she wasn't, and he wanted to do something--he didn't know what at the time. 

He sat alone. The dark room made him frown. He stared deep into the walls, wishing to find something within the chipped wood. Nothing. He forced his hands into fist. He felt hopeless. "What are you doing?" His head perked up at the soft voice. He jerked his head to see you with a polite smile. He stood up, cleaning any sort of dust on him. "Hello, Yushiro."

"Hello, Y/N." He gulped. "She's busy right now."

"Oh, I figured she was." She entered, smiling at him as he glanced away.

It was obvious Yushiro loved Tamayo very much, though some could say it was only due to her saving his life. He couldn't help loving the beautiful demon before him  He was perplexed, was he falling for another woman? No. 

"Are you okay?" He was shaken out of his thoughts. If you'd look closely, almost imagining, you would think he was blushing.

"I'm fine, Y/N." He stated.

"I heard its been tough. Well, of course its been tough. You seem at bit. . . unfocused." He twitched. "Oh, sorry." 

"No, don't be sorry." He frowned. "It's. . . We're used to it. But my thoughts have been unfocused."

"So have mine," She chuckled and his heart thumped at the sound. "Only if we could live one day in this world without thinking of death." His heart sank. 

He wasn't thinking of death, not anymore that is. It was sad to hear the woman before him, out of this context, that death had been on her mind. He wanted to do something. If he couldn't for Tamayo, maybe for Y/N. He bit his lip, closed his eyes, thinking loudly in his mind. In his own selfish desires he wanted to get to know him more, so he spoke. "How about we. . .uh. . .go out?"

"Like what?" She asked.

He couldn't tell if she was teasing him or not.

"Like a. . . date?" He cursed himself for being awkward. "I mean, there is a small village not far from here. You wanted to have a day--why not today?"

"I'll like that."

"We can meet at sun down." He said. 

"I'll see you there." She left. 

One thing he forgot during the conversation, and reflecting on now; he was never been on a date. 


During a long conversation with Tamayo, he happened to get some advice from the lady. He made himself cleaner, shaking the dirt off anything he wore--made himself presentable. He held flowers, waiting around the village for the woman to appear. He sat alone at a small restaurant, picking the place higher than the others. The village was small, but it had its golden moments and it was one.

"You've never done this, have you?" He heard a teasing voice from behind him. 

He turned his head to see the woman dress better than him. He felt a little guilty. "Don't tease me." He said. 

"Don't worry. You look amazing." She complimented. It made him feel good. 

"Here." He held the flowers up to her. "I haven't ordered. Feel free to have anything."

"Don't be so shy, Yushiro." She took the flowers. "You're doing great." The praise was making he feel confident. 

The day went well. The food was delicious, the little games made them laugh. He knew this was the prefect day for Y/N, and it was because of him. He did something. He made her happy, and in return, made him happy. 

"A first date from you, is better than anything I've had."

"I do my best." He smirked. 

"Oh?" She smirked with him. 

She took his hand, kissing his cheek. "Until next time."

His childish smirk turned into a pure smile. "Until next time."

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