- Chapter 17: Second date Pt.3🔞 -

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|Jasper's Pov|

I watched as Elizabeth emerged out of the water infront of the waterfall she is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen if i was human she would definitely take my breath away i can see the sun starting to set so i climb out the water, grab my clothes and go behind the tree to get dressed i walk back out from behind the tree only to see Elizabeth walking out of the water her hair is soaking wet and water is running down her body she looks like a goddess and she is all mine i snap out my thoughts when she grabs her clothes and walks behind the tree i hear my one beep so i take it out my pocket and see a message from Alice.

I told you she would say yes!😁

She is amazing Alice we will be back i am not going to enjoy sharing right now i just want her all to myself!😮‍💨

Jasper take her back to her house and spend the night you deserve some time with your mate everyone will understand!👍🏻

I chuckle at Alice's text she must have had a vision of me and Elizabeth spending the night together doing god knows what but one thing is for sure i can not wait to find out i see Elizabeth walk back out from behind the tree she is wearing her previous clothes and her hair isn't up anymore it is down flowing down her back and around her waist she walks up to me and places her hands on my chest as gives me a short but sweet kiss.

"Well darling how do you feel about me spending the night with you at your place?" I asked smirking

"Sounds like an amazing idea to me" She said blushing

"Then let's go home it's getting late" I said still smirking

I sweep her up into my arms holding her bridle style one hand under her legs the other hand around her waist being careful of the bruise that bitch gave my darlin i peck her lips then she tucks her head under my chin as i start vamp speeding home yep Elizabeth's place is home to be honest because she is there and she is my home, no a place or a possession could ever be a home to me, no she is definitely my home and always will be my thoughts come to a stop when we finally get to the cabin i slow down to human pace and go straight to the front door Elizabeth flicks her wrist and the doors her magic always surprises me i take her up to her bedroom and place her down onto her feet.

"I am going to have a quick shower you can sit in here and do whatever till i'm done" She said with a blush i have a feeling she is up to something

"Okay darlin" I said with a smirk making her blush more

She pecks my lips then walks into the bathroom swaying her hips god she is going to be the death of me when the bathroom door closes and i hear the water turn on i go and lay down on my back in the middle of her bed with my hands behind my head i just stare at the ceiling waiting for my mate i am not going to move from here until she comes out the bathroom i dont know how long i have been staring at the ceiling but i stop doing it when i hear the water turn off and hear shuffling after a couple minutes the bathroom door opens and our walks my gorgeous mate and when i see what she is wearing i growl

Major's Mate✔️ - Under EditingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin