- Chapter 14: Come back here darlin -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

I look at everyone only to see them crowding around Emmett who is holding his phone so they can see something i can hear that he is showing them a video i have a feeling it's a video of me fighting Bella i groan realising it's obviously a video of the fight because every fight in a school gets filmed Major kisses my head then carrys me to the couch and sits me down next to me just as dad and Carlisle walk in hand in hand i smiled at them while laying my head on Major's shoulder soon enough the video stopped playing and in a matter of seconds Esme was kneeled on the floor infront of me looking at my hands worriedly.

"I am okay Esme she is far worse then me" I said trying to ease her worry

"Hush let me worry she headbutted you and kicked you in the stomach!" She scolds

"Wait i thought she only headbutted you!" Carlisle said panicked

"Oh yeahhhhh i forgot to mention that" Emmett said rubbing the back of his neck

"Stupid idiot!" Rosalie said smacking the back of his head

"Lift up your shirt let he have a look" Carlisle said in full doctor mode

"I can't you will see my scar and be disgusted" I said quietly

"We will never be disgusted we all have our scar's darlin look at mine they are warrior scar's they show everyone you survived if anything we will be proud of you for fighting and surviving now raise your shirt so Carlisle can check your stomach please for me" Major said while rolling up the sleeves of his shirt showing loads of bite marks i look him in the eye's which are still black he gives me a nod of reassurance i slowly lost my shirt and i hear gasps that's when i know my scar is visible

"Right well there is a bruise forming does it hurt?" Carlisle said and asked while he pushes on my stomach

"It hurts a little but nothing as bad as i have experienced before it's bearable" I said softly not breaking eye contact with Major

"Esme can you get some painkillers and Rosalie get a ice pack from the freezer it will help with the bruising" Carlisle said still in doctor mode

"I'm going to kill that bitch! She hurt my sister!" Alice yelled making me flinch

"Alice calm down, yelling makes Elizabeth flinch thanks to Bella" Dad said sternly

"Sorry Lizzy" Alice said i wanted to look at her but i couldn't and won't break eye contact with Major he is keeping me so calm right now

"It's okay Alice yells can trigger my panic attacks sometimes" I said not wanting Alice to feel bad i flinch when something cold is placed on my stomach god i hate ice packs

"Tell her before you do something next time!" Major growled

"Sorry honey" Carlisle said softly

"It's okay i wasn't expecting it that's all Major calm down Carlisle is helping me" I said reassuring them both

"Elizabeth you know what Bella might so now right?" Dad asked concerned

"You mean she might ring her bitch of a mother who might end up coming here to try and hit me for beating up her precious daughter then yes i know" I said coldly

I snap out my eye contact when Major holds two painkillers and a glass of water infront of me i quickly take them and look around the room everyone is looking at me worriedly i make eye contact with dad who has tears in his eyes.

"You know what we might have to do right?" Dad asked again

"Yeah mean do i have to do the spell to make them forget about us which also means i may get hurt doing said spell then yes i know" I said coldly

"There must be another way to make them stop" Esme said thoughtfully

"We could get the volturi involved" Edward said but that won't work

"There isn't, they both don't know about what you guys are so we can't involve the volturi and we can't kill her it's against the witch and warlock law which only leaves the memory erase spell" Dad said as a tear rolled down his cheek

"Dad i have to do this i am stronger then you if you do it you will die just like grandpa did and i will not let that happen i don't have to do the spell straight away we can give them one last chance to stop and if they don't then i will do the spell" I said not wanting dad to even think about doing the spell

"Your grandpa wouldn't want you to do thay spell it can back fire, put you in a magic coma, take away your magic, leave you with multiple injuries or even kill you i can't let you do thay spell!" He yelled i didn't flinch this time i stood up and walked over to him and took his face in my hands

"You listen to me and listen good dad thay bitch of a women hurt you she raped you multiple times and threatened to kill me and mum i will do whatever it takes for that bitch to leave you and me alone no-one and i mean no-one gets away with hurting my family i am doing the spell whether you like it or not so shut the hell up" I said keeping my eyes locked with his meaning every single word

"Let's do what Elizabeth said we will give them one last chance then Elizabeth will do the spell but we will all be there incase something happens" Carlisle said knowing i will not back down

"I don't like this but i know you will not change your mind so with that said you sit you butt back down young lady and let your mate take care of you" Dad said with a small sad smile

"Yes come back here darlin" Major whined making me giggle



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