- Chapter 16: Second Date Pt.2 -

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|Elizabeth's Pov|

We spent hours sitting in the flower field talking, eating and cuddled which is now my favourite thing to do his cuddles make me feel safe and loved we even sat and read through a history book and highlighted all the authors mistakes and boy did Jasper love the fact i love history his eyes light up everytime i pointed out a mistake it was nice to have this time with him away from everyone he has been extra affectionate giving me kisses on my forehead, cheek and my nose he has been calling me his little mate and little witch the whole time which gives me butterfly's every time.

Now it's two o'clock in the afternoon and Jasper is currently carrying me bridle style while he vamp speeds to the next part of our date he won't tell me where or what we are going to do the only thing he said was i could keep my eyes open for this surprise i did tell him that he didn't have to carry me and i could walk but he was having none of that he just said his little mate shouldn't have to walk he starts to slow his running down just as we get to a opening in the woods when he has slowed to walking pace we walk through the opening and i see a lake with a water fall which looks beautiful i wish i am wearing a bikini so i have a nice swim the water looks so inviting and calming (Photo above) Jasper sits me back down on my feet i look around and see there is two towels on the grass and a duffle bag which Jasper is now going through he grabs something then walks back over to me

"Here darlin put this on so we can go for a swim" He said passing me a green bikini i blushed at the thought of him seeing me wearing it

"Don't worry i will change too, You can go behind that tree to change if your uncomfortable darlin" He said holding up a pair of green shorts and pointed to a tree with his other hand

I grabbed the bikini of him then ran to behind the tree he pointed at and quickly stripped out my clothes and put the bikini on i didn't feel as self conscious as i thought i would actually i feel confident even though my scar is showing he has se...

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I grabbed the bikini of him then ran to behind the tree he pointed at and quickly stripped out my clothes and put the bikini on i didn't feel as self conscious as i thought i would actually i feel confident even though my scar is showing he has seen it already and has said he doesn't find it disgusting i take a deep breath and walk out from behind the tree only to see Jasper pulling his shirt off he is already wearing his shorts when my eyes meet his i realize he stopped taking off his shirt mid-way as he stares at me with his brown lust filled eyes causing me to shiver he then stalks towards me when he gets to me he put his hand on my hips pulling me towards him so we become chest to chest i look up at him blushing.

"Fuck darlin you looks so good making
me want to take you right here, right now but I don't want our first time to be here i want our first time to be in your bed or mone where i can ravish you body and have you screaming my name all night long" He whispered against my lips causing me to shiver

He smirks at my reaction before trying
to walk off before i grab his hand pulling him towards me kissing him passionately on the lips for the first time his tastes like mint our lips move in sync he pulls me closer both his hands holding my hips i start to feel the need to breath so i pull away with a smirk then walking off swaying my hips i hear him walking behind me so i start to run as i hear his footsteps pick up i run into the water when i am waist deep in the water i feel his hand snake around my waist he suddenly picks me up by my thighs making me squeal i wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck i look at him only to see him already looking at me i lean in and peck his lips.

"I planned this date because i have something to ask you" He said has he moves his hands to my butt holding me up in the water

"And what might that be?" I asked smiling

"Elizabeth, my little mate, My little witch will you be my girlfriend and let me love you with all i have and be mine forever?" He asked looking nervous

"Yes Jasper i will be your girlfriend and i will definitely be yours forever" I said and pecked his lips

"Thank god!" He said with a smile

"Why were you nervous babe?" I asked as he twirled in the water still holding me tight

"I had a small feeling you would say no to protect me because of drama you have been having to deal with Bella and now possibly Renèe" He said looking anywhere but me i hold his face in my hands and make him look to me.

"Jasper Whitlock Hale i would never say no to you, you have made me feel so loved, safe and beautiful you are now everything to me i want nothing but to spend my life and forever with you as yours just like you are mine and Jasper i-i love you seeing what you did for me today made me realise you are my forever" I said smiling at me as i wipe a tear of his cheek

"You are the reason for my existence Elizabeth you the first person i want to see in the morning and the last person i want to see at night i want to tell you i love you all day every day for the rest of eternity you will always be mine and i am yours, You now own me if you ask me to kneel i will for you because you my darlin are my queen i love you always" He said holding my face on his hands then he kisses all over my face until he kisses me passionately on the lips taking my breath away.

"I love you Elizabeth" He said pulling his lips of mine

"I love you Jasper" I asked smiling

"Now let's swim before we have to go back home and share you with everyone" He said smirking

"Then let's go cowboy" I said with a wink making me growl literally


A/n: Do you guys what a smut chapter?

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A/n: Do you guys what a smut chapter?

Major's Mate✔️ - Under EditingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt