"Okay, so what do we know about Zach?" Hank wondered, heading back to his spot next to Ana's desk.

"He's 25 years old. He owns a graphic design firm. No priors. His only blemish is a disorderly conduct pinch at a recent protest, where Blaine was the arresting officer." The male Detective replied.

"Two days after that bust, Zach started posting on an anti-police website. Goes by the name FTPNow." Hailey spoke up. "We got him saying, Copaganda must end. If CPD won't punish Officer Blaine, perhaps someone else will. Remember, Mike, karma's a bitch." She read aloud, handing Hank an iPad and he let out a grunt in response.

"And this was three days ago?" Ana asked in confirmation.

"Mm-hmm." Hailey hummed in reply.

"All right, split up. Check all possibilities. Track him down now." The older man commanded, heading back into his Office.

*Later That Night*

Ana stood up from her desk and followed Adam upon seeing him heading towards Hank's Office. They walked inside and found the older man shrugging on his jacket.

"All right, Zach's apartment was pretty clean. I gotta show you something. He had pictures that he took of Blaine the night before the murder. He was definitely following him and stalking him." The Officer revealed.

"That doesn't mean he killed Mike." Hank pointed out. "I mean, this kid seems more like a choir boy than a cop killer.

"Either way, he dug up some dirt." Adam informed, quietly, and began showing Ana some photos before placing them on Hank's desk. "Digital footprint puts Blaine at South Bishop Street at 9pm. Now I know you know it's a high crime area. Drugs, hookers. Blaine waits by his car. An unknown woman approaches. They share a quick hello. He then slips her an envelope. . . I'm guessing it's the envelope he got from Perez with the three grand in it. She proceeds to get into his car. They stay there for ten minutes before she exits." He explained, describing what was going on in eacch picture. "Don't know what happened inside, but obviously, that doesn't look great."

"Were you able to ID the woman?" Ana wondered as her husband sat down and bit the inside of his cheek.

"No, it's just- it's not enough for facial rec." The Officer shook his head.

"Blaine got any CIs that match her description?" Hank inquired.

"No. So I'm guessing that, uh-"

"Well, you don't get to guess, not on this one." The older man snapped.

"Why don't you show the photos to his partner?" Ana suggested with a small shrug. "Maybe he can help."

"All right. I'm on it, Sarge." Adam nodded, collecting the photos before leaving the room.

The brunette let him out before staring at her husband with a concerned expression. However, Trudy appeared behind her best friend before she could say anything.

"Hank, you got a visitor." She informed, gently.

The older man stood up and followed her out, giving his wife a quick kiss on the way by. Ana just watched him go, worriedly, before heading back over to her desk.

*A Little While Later*

"All right, what do we know about the woman in the photo with Blaine?" Hank demanded, marching out of his Office and stopping next to Ana's desk.

"Not a damn thing." Kevin replied.
"Rodriguez didn't recognize her, so I've gotta keep digging."

"I got an email from forensics." Kim spoke up. "They said the mud on Zach's tires is a match to the mud and rocks at the crime scene."

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