Becoming Part 2

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"The Peloponnesian War was actually three wars. Fought between Athens and Spartans," Strickler said as he clicked his pen together, and started heading down between a row of desks. "The first war is known as the Archimedean War. Type that into your search engines. A-R-C-H-I-M-E-D-E-A-N."

You put a hand to your forehead, rubbing it slowly as you typed it into your web page, while glancing over next to Jim and Toby. Only to see him gazing at Claire and you.

Toby being the oh so observant one, looked between the three of us. He waved a hand in front of Jim's face but didn't get a response out of him.

Toby sighs, "Really?" Claire looks up and meets Jim's eyes and then quickly takes a glance at yours before turning back to her computer. "Close your mouth. You're drooling," Toby continued as he made a motion with his hands going up and down under his chin, then slightly glaring at him.

"No. No, I'm not," Toby turns back to his computer, and Jim looks down to Toby's computer. You glance over their shoulder to see the screen. "What are you doing?"

"Research," Toby replies as he continues typing on his computer.

"Hey, look up 'talking amulet.'" Jim says with his hand still on his face.

You already knew this scene and immediately knew what date it was, but you decided to act confused. "Why talk about amulets?" You whispered to them.

"When we took to the canals, I heard a voice say my full name without the jr. at the end." Jim replies in a whisper to you.

"Then I am guessing you found an amulet, that you think is the source of it?" You concluded.

Jim nodded in response, and turned back to Toby to see what he found.

"I already did that. All I got was toys. One of them was a plushie," Toby backed up from the computer as a plushie squeaks.

You look to Jim to see Mr.Strickler right behind Jim, oh you were gonna enjoy this.

"Jim, would you agree?" Strickler said as he pulled his pen back out his suit.

"Sir?" Jim turned around slightly surprised.

Strickler explained, "With Herodotus' opinion on his tactics of war, as I've described," as he clicked his pen looking down on Jim.

"Oh, uh," Jim turns to Toby but all Toby deos is whistles pretending he just wasn't talking to Jim. "Absolutely." He continues as he turns back to Stickler.

Strickler slightly smirks, "Excellent. Which tactics, specifically?" As he raises his eyebrows, looking at Jim's face.

"The, uh...." Jim looks slightly stumped. "Winning ones?" The class then laughs at his answer, Toby just slightly shakes his head. Just then the school bell rang, you yourself hoping Strickler wouldn't ask you to stay with Jim and himself as you packed your stuff up.

"All right, allight. Don't forget, Michaelson, chapters four and five." Sticker called out to everybody. He turns to Jim and I, "Jim, Y/n, may I have a word?" Your eyes widened, you had a feeling you were going to be pulled into this no matter what you did.

"Oh," Jim knocked his bag over and his stuff spilled out on the floor. You and Strickler went to help him pick his things up.

"Jim, you're distracted. You fell asleep between the invasion of Attica and the Peace of Nicias, and your attention wandered for the rest of the class." Stickler said as he handed Jim one of his books with you holding his bag open for him. "Y/n, you also seem to be distracted and not seem like your usual self. Your tense and didn't answer at all unlike your usual self,"

Majikku : TrollHunter x reader (Various)Where stories live. Discover now