Chapter 15- Fall of a Hero

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However, Bullwinkle grab his chest hard like something it's bothering him. He puts rocky sit on a big rock to calm him down.

"Don't worry, Rocky. We'll figure it out." He said.

Rocky smiles "You're cute when you help a lot."

Bullwinkle adore his little husband. But feels upset of how everyone won't help him to save them. He look at Sivar, Sherman and Peachfuzz with despair.

"Should we tell them about C. Rabbit?" Bullwinkle asked to rocky.

Rocky sighed "We must warn them, Bullwinkle.".

Bullwinkle begin to walk to them with a worried expression on his face.

"Guys... we need to talk about C. Rabbit.".

They all got attention to the moose as they listen.

Bullwinkle continued.

"The truth is that C. Rabbit guy's real name is Crusader Rabbit. He was Jay's orignal toon creation before me and rocky got the fame. He was jealous of how we were famous and got himself hurt and he is obsess of getting the ink pen to control all toons and killing them. Now his robots stole the ink and he will find the pen next.".

Hearing about C. Rabbit's.story makes everyone shocked.

"We really need to get out of here. But the dome is under that rabbit's control." Sivar said.

"But how?" Sherman asked.

Bullwinkle realized he had an idea.

"I got an idea! We'll invited our friends to another party! A bunker Party!".

"I got an idea! We'll invited our friends to another party! A bunker Party!"

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"But we don't have a bunker." Rocky said.

"But we do have a secret basement." Bullwinkle winked

Rocky gets up on the rock.

"You're right!" He said "yeah! We will use the basement to keep out friends hidden there so we can find the way to stop C. Rabbit!".

"How did you know i was gonna say that next?" Bullwinkle said in excitement.

Rocky and bullwinkle laugh of their little spot of silliness.

Sherman walks to the duo.
"Can we help too? We can get the snacks for everyone and first aid kits.".

Sivar like the idea of putting everyone safe. He look at his mom.

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